Awkward hello

Point being?

I become one of the most hated people on the site from being a 'dirty commie', and no one even asks about the noobie being named 'The Anarchist'. It seems weird to me, to say the least.
I'm really sorry folks. I know that being humble and low key can be a virtue, and sometimes it's good to be "just another brick in the wall".

I try, but what can I say. Even online it all seems to come out. I'm just surprised this user name wasn't already taken! :D
I become one of the most hated people on the site from being a 'dirty commie', and no one even asks about the noobie being named 'The Anarchist'. It seems weird to me, to say the least.
Nobody hates you for being a commie, Cuong. :lfao:
Hey, as long as you're a nice guy your user name could be "evil baby killer"....ok, well maybe not. But you get the point! :)

Cuongnhuka - I don't think anyone hates you. :)
I become one of the most hated people on the site from being a 'dirty commie', and no one even asks about the noobie being named 'The Anarchist'. It seems weird to me, to say the least.

I don't hate you and aren't you a socialist that is soon to be a US marine?

Although I am not a communist nor is my wife who grew up in a communist country I like hanging out in a communist country and would live there for awhile if the opportunity presented itself and I don't think I am hated by all... a few maybe but not all

So we now have an anarchist on MT, so what, how does that effect training of MA?

But this is a hello welcome thread not a political debate

Again welcome to the The Anarchist.