Arnold is running!

Originally posted by Technopunk
Does this mean we can call Arnold "The Running Man?"

Bdum Ching. Sank you, I be here all za week.

no..he'll be the "Governator!"
What about the other entertainers that have been elected to office?
Clint Eastwood
Sonny Bono
Fed Grandy (Gopher from the Love Boat.)
There are also politicans that moonlight as actors. I forget the guy's name, but he was on Wiseguy (He played Knox Pooley) and a naval Captain in Flight of the Intruder.
and many more
see here
Guess what sportsfans, since this fiasco has opened up the gubernatorial race to every Tom, Dick and friggin' Harry, our next governor of the great state of Cali will be the honorable Gary Coleman... :rolleyes:

That's what you Republicans get... :eek:

F___ it, I'm moving to Texas. At least there, they aren't experiencing the state government infighting fiasco like we are here in Cali... Ahhh, Yeah, right... :shrug:

BTW, I was born in Texas... :kiss:
AHnold, AHnold,Ahnold! for prime minister of Canada!

That's what we need! Get rid of that "*****" cat - Jean Chretian.
But there may be another problem with that. That would be two guys, one after another, that nobody could understand!
Oh well...I guess we should sit back, have have a cold beer :drinkbeer , and let the world continue to rotate around us!
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin

BTW, I was born in Texas... :kiss:

Mr. Castillo, at least we're not the only ones to have the wackiest state in the Union, you Texans are hangin' right with us. Although I was born in Texas, I grew up in Cali, so if I moved back to my birth state it would be pretty much same, same, right Mr. C.? :confused:

:idea: Hey, you guys do TKD up in those parts??? :confused:

;) :D
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Mr. Castillo, at least we're not the only ones to have the wackiest state in the Union, you Texans are hangin' right with us. Although I was born in Texas, I grew up in Cali, so if I moved back to my birth state it would be pretty much same, same, right Mr. C.? :confused:

:idea: Hey, you guys do TKD up in those parts??? :confused:

;) :D

Sad, but believable info:

*At one time, Dallas was the "murder "capital of the country.
*Texas is second to California to the biggest prison population, and prisons built.
* Some 11 state Democratic legislators are hiding out in New Mexico right now to thwart the Govenors plans for redistricting. Last month they were in Oklahoma, with the State Troopers looking for them.
* Me being a teacher, we're low on the totem pole for pay.
* Here, I'm surrounded by TKD(Though I'm in it myself) I'm a Kenpo Man first.
*A fair amount of WTF people here, mostly kids, and mostly for sport.:asian:
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Oh well, maybe I'll just stay home. I hear yall have a bunch of mean hangin' judges over there... :eek:

P.S. At least I won't have to deal with the humidity... :D

Take me with you!:(
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
"Another experiment in socialism?" Uh...what? And the quite-common fluctuations of the economy in capitalism had nothing to do with California's present mess, a mess which, I see, every other bloody state in the Union is more or less in? Oh well. Reason never had anything to do with that argument.

On a happier note, it seems that Darryl Isa (sp.?), the right-wing millionaire nut job who started this particular stupid disaster (cost estimates run from 35-75 mil, at this point), cried when he withdrew from the race yesterday.

We oughta send him the bill.

Yawn wake up RMcrobertson...

Illegal Immigrants that want social programs like free medical, wic, you name it... quickly suck all the money out of the CA economy, especially when there are few high paying jobs to support those programs. When you have more people living off the system then you have supporting it, you have big problems. When Gray Davis started passing ridiculious laws to limit the growth of business he didn't help at all, he actually drove business away to other states and countries. What do you think Arnold was talking about when he said that he wanted to get the jobs BACK? CA, the world's 5th largest economy by itself went backrupt for what other reason?

You cant raise taxes and expect everything to go away... this is why CA has a recall in the first place.

BTW, there is nothing "Right Wing" about Arnold, he's pretty liberal on every issue ive heard him talk about.
Um...that's OK. You'll learn. Until then: immigrants are not your enemy. It's easy to blame people whose politics you don't like; it's hard to understand what's actually going on.

I strongly recommend reading a) "The Wall Street Journal,", b) Adam Smith, Ricardo, etc., c) Marx's "Capitalism," so you'll understand the system you are espousing.

I realize that my mentioning Marx will push you towards a) another diatribe, b) avoiding learning. Try to suppress the impulse. The recitation of slogans about immigrants, business, etc., is not a good substitute for knowing what you're talking about.

Which state in the union is it, exactly, that's doing well this year? And which political party is it that's presently controlling the national government?

Thanks, though.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Until then: immigrants are not your enemy.

Not to sidetrack the thread, but Yep. the Illegal ones are...

Come on, these are people who first action in this country was to break the law!!! And not like some minor infraction like a speeding ticket, but isn't that a freakin FELONY???
Say what you want about immigrants. But the truth is you're going to pay for them if they are here or not. What people don't realize is that your food bill would AT LEAST triple. who's going to pick the food in the fields? or the work that requires no skills? or the landscaping? etc. nobody wants to do those jobs, even if they paid minimum wage. And it's illegal to make prisoners do that type of work, so who's left to do it?

the fact is, without the immigrants, the California economy would collapse, leading the nation into a deep recession or depression. Thats the real reason nothing has been done about the issue. Do you really think they couldn't close up the border if they wanted to? It all has to do with economics.
I really wish you would all stop talking about illegal or legal aliens. :asian:

I just wish you would all go home and leave me with my Native Lands ;) :asian:
If we threw out everybody whose ancestors broke the law to get here...

And by the way, it's quite correct to note that immigrants presently do all sorts of crap work that mainstream Americans are too proud to do.

Out here in California, the general estimate is that the economy would completely collapse without could certainly kiss off fresh lettuce during your winter...

Perhaps more to the point, you're slanging men and women and children who work their asses off. I guess that's in your tradition of the martial arts, and religion/ethics?

These folks are not your enemy. The people who get fat off their labor--and yours too--are, if you want enemies to despise. But then, you can always buy their propaganda--it'll help keep you down, and you can cooperate in keeping others down...

Again, though, I doubt posting this'll have the slightest effect. Either you'll learn as you go--I hope the lesson won't be too hard a one--or you'll solidify into one more of those aging jerks (Ann Coulter! Robert Novak! George Gilder! Dinesh d'Souza!) who makes their very good living telling everybody how great the fat cats are...

Good luck with it.
Originally posted by Ender
Say what you want about immigrants. But the truth is you're going to pay for them if they are here or not. What people don't realize is that your food bill would AT LEAST triple. who's going to pick the food in the fields? or the work that requires no skills? or the landscaping? etc. nobody wants to do those jobs, even if they paid minimum wage. And it's illegal to make prisoners do that type of work, so who's left to do it?

the fact is, without the immigrants, the California economy would collapse, leading the nation into a deep recession or depression. Thats the real reason nothing has been done about the issue. Do you really think they couldn't close up the border if they wanted to? It all has to do with economics.

Thank you for pointing that out Ender. Many R-Wing conservatives pontificate about the evils that immigrants, illegal immigrants, are doing to our state. The fact of the matter is that these People help our state run, and input quite a bit of money into the state's economy.

Contrary to the popular perception, not all of the illegals are on the public dole with their hands out. Most put into the system, are taxed, but never take anything out of the system. Those with blinders on, take them off and open up your eyes to reality. Reality Bites... :asian:
Well, where i am coming from, I'm not talking about them taking my job (if they want to become that well eduacted about PCs and take my job so be welcome that for a change) or about "paying" for them...

By that, It sounds like You make the assumption that I am speaking soley about the hispanics, but I'm not...

I admit that my neighborhood has a gang problem and that its mostly hispanic gangs... I admit its ONLY the hispanic immagrants, legal AND illegal, pushing for me to have to learn spanish because they dont want to learn english... (At least, as far as i know, no illegals from spain have been trying that here...) and I think those types of arguments are the reason that everyone thinks "Mexico" when they think "illegal" but the fact is they come from all over the world...

Regardless of how much your hearts want to bleed for the ones who snuck across the border, smuggled in on a boat, or whatever means they had for getting here from Europe, Mexico, Russia or Asia... by dismissing/justifying it you are approving of it. You openly admit that crime is ok... in which case Do me a favor, mail me all your stuff, since It OK for me to rob you, becuase "Hey, its just a Crime, no big deal" (in theory it actually boosts the economy (oh dont get me started on that)) but anyhow mail me your stuff, cuz it saves me the trouble of ACTUALLY coming and stealing from you. :shrug:

I know, I know, we ALL are hypocrites when it comes to the law, Some of us speed, some of us fileshare, some of us do other things... but illegal immigration seems pretty damn big comparativley.

<shrug> Maybe its just me... but My family followed the procedure outlined by the laws when they came, and I just think it undermines everyone who DOES make the effort... and regardless of anyone elses opinion, I will never condone Illegal immigration.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
"Another experiment in socialism?" Uh...what? And the quite-common fluctuations of the economy in capitalism had nothing to do with California's present mess, a mess which, I see, every other bloody state in the Union is more or less in? Oh well. Reason never had anything to do with that argument.

On a happier note, it seems that Darryl Isa (sp.?), the right-wing millionaire nut job who started this particular stupid disaster (cost estimates run from 35-75 mil, at this point), cried when he withdrew from the race yesterday.

We oughta send him the bill.
Yea that guy bank rolled the best Wiley Koyote cartoon in ages. Serves his a** right if you ask me.
I think he'd make a great governor. Just knowing that your govenor can kick an other governor's @ss gives me the warm fuzzies:D
Originally posted by Technopunk
Well, where i am coming from, I'm not talking about them taking my job (if they want to become that well eduacted about PCs and take my job so be welcome that for a change) or about "paying" for them...

By that, It sounds like You make the assumption that I am speaking soley about the hispanics, but I'm not...

I admit that my neighborhood has a gang problem and that its mostly hispanic gangs... I admit its ONLY the hispanic immagrants, legal AND illegal, pushing for me to have to learn spanish because they dont want to learn english... (At least, as far as i know, no illegals from spain have been trying that here...) and I think those types of arguments are the reason that everyone thinks "Mexico" when they think "illegal" but the fact is they come from all over the world...

Regardless of how much your hearts want to bleed for the ones who snuck across the border, smuggled in on a boat, or whatever means they had for getting here from Europe, Mexico, Russia or Asia... by dismissing/justifying it you are approving of it. You openly admit that crime is ok... in which case Do me a favor, mail me all your stuff, since It OK for me to rob you, becuase "Hey, its just a Crime, no big deal" (in theory it actually boosts the economy (oh dont get me started on that)) but anyhow mail me your stuff, cuz it saves me the trouble of ACTUALLY coming and stealing from you. :shrug:

I know, I know, we ALL are hypocrites when it comes to the law, Some of us speed, some of us fileshare, some of us do other things... but illegal immigration seems pretty damn big comparativley.

<shrug> Maybe its just me... but My family followed the procedure outlined by the laws when they came, and I just think it undermines everyone who DOES make the effort... and regardless of anyone elses opinion, I will never condone Illegal immigration.
As Long as americans freely flaunt there wealth in the media, the have nots are comming one way or the other. Imigration only exagerates current ills within our nation. The medical system is in a shambles. OBGYNs are giving up there practices because they can't break even with all the legal troubles. Insurance is skyrocketing and we pay so much more for drugs than what they are worth that the elderly must choose between eating and being medicated. Perhaps the immigration problem is just what this country needs to push us into actualy solving some of the obviously counter productive practices. Wellfare was sort of our little "reparations" until wave after wave of immigrants helped us to see that perhaps our little welfare state we've created can no longer continue with such rapid growth. I say immigration is helping us get our ***** toguether sooner than the previously planned later.
Originally posted by Senfeng
I think he'd make a great governor. Just knowing that your govenor can kick an other governor's @ss gives me the warm fuzzies:D

Boy, now that comment hurt.:(

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