A Muay Thai vacation

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I am not planning on doing this and I do not know if it is any good or not but maybe someone will be interested.

The Thailand Boxing training program on Koh Tao which is an island of ThailandÂ’s southern coast.

Apparently you spar for 6 hours a day and get to stay in a guesthouse near the beach for $1296.25 for 2 weeks


I will say if I saw this for CMA in China I would be a bit leery but I not of Muay Thai
That's crazy! For that amount of money in Thailand I could train at a top gym for 2 months probably 3 months with the mouthpiece I have. That has to be the rip-off of the year next to the cabbies who wait for unknowing tourists to get off the plane and charge them 1500baht to go 4 or 5km.
That sounds kinda high!!! I checked into some camps last year and I think the most expensive I found was around $500-600 for 2 weeks at the camp and a room at a hotel within walking distance. Sounds like that place is taking advantage of tourists big time.