A couple of fight videos


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
This first one is titled Inmate VS Prison Guard, personally I'd call it a good *** whuppin... keep your eye on video number FOUR (as the screen is split into four sections via security cams)... kinda hard isn't it... just kidding the action is on screen #2

This second one is called "Infamous Taco Bell Fight"... cleary the guy wearing the hoody is the winner... it also answers the question of "how fights go to the ground."
Reality . . . it's never clean or easy. Still, I have to wonder if either of those guys had broken hands from all the knuckle shots.
I found this video on one Russian web site, that’s what Admin of the web site did to one guy who was spamming on his forum. First he asked him if he was spamming, and when guy told him that it was him Admin started to bit him up and telling him rules of the forum.

that's the most ridiculous fight i've ever seen! i can't believe he didnt fight back at all. I started off watching it thinking what a feeble wimp the guy must be but then at the end, even though he has been hit and kicked lots of times he's still completely relaxed and even laughing, the other guy just doesnt seem to be able to hurt him, so if he had fought back then he surely would have won?
The Taco Bell fight had me curious. It *almost* seemed staged as both of them used a few motions that seemed...trained. The original grab and takedown by the guy in the hood and the way the guy on the ground was grabbing at the backs of the other guys thighs.... Didn't seem *really* skilled but seems a bit more..I don't know...like they had learned a bit somewhere.
FearlessFreep said:
The Taco Bell fight had me curious. It *almost* seemed staged as both of them used a few motions that seemed...trained. The original grab and takedown by the guy in the hood and the way the guy on the ground was grabbing at the backs of the other guys thighs.... Didn't seem *really* skilled but seems a bit more..I don't know...like they had learned a bit somewhere.

That kick to the chops looked a little too real.

If they learned any takedowns anywhere at all, it might well have been in middle school or high school wrestling. Here in the midwest wrestling is pretty popular, and has been for far longer than MMA has been around. I saw a fight in 1979 where a Golden Gloves boxer and a high school regionally ranked wrestler went at it. It went to the ground and stayed there. Nobody really got hurt.

So, were they "trained?" Sure. But if we see grappling moves that we associate with our training, it doesn't mean it was staged. It means they were trained...and more than likely NOT in an MA environment.


Oleg said:
I found this video on one Russian web site, that’s what Admin of the web site did to one guy who was spamming on his forum. First he asked him if he was spamming, and when guy told him that it was him Admin started to bit him up and telling him rules of the forum.

This "Admin" in the video quite obviously has no honour, integrity, nor self respect. Obviously, he has something to prove to himself, and will one day atone for his poor behaviour. What a shameful display.
Personally, I think all those videos are crap. Stupidity in motion. Tissues all around for the MMA meatheads who get off on em.
I like watching such videos as they can provide useful info. on what really happens. But, I'm not sure if videotaped fights are representative of all fights.

Many have been posted here--it'd be nice to collect them in one thread!
I dunno. I've seen alot of em, and most seem to fall into the stupid level, rather than have any actual value. Y'know, the whole "staged" thing. We don't really encourage their posting.
Video taped fights will be seen more frequently. The costs and sizes of cameras are coming down...they're starting to get them perfected in cell phones. Soon just about everyone will have their own little camera.

Bystanders and antagonists will be taking footage of anything violent...whether to use it as evidence or just for the "fun" of it.

I think they might be useful to a degree. I saw one last year where a guy pulled his opponent's shirt over his head (a common tactic) and then beat the snot out of the guy. Do we often address that in self defense class? Do we use it as a tactic of our own?

Regardless, they do show how sloppy it can all get.


I saw one last year where a guy pulled his opponent's shirt over his head (a common tactic) and then beat the snot out of the guy. Do we often address that in self defense class? Do we use it as a tactic of our own?

Ask Tim about my normal sparring sessons in class....some of em have been hockey brawls. All at a friendly level mind you. :) (He won't let me bring the folding chairs out yet....)
Sloppy takedowns attempts don't mean they had any training, although it's possible.

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