2003 Theme

This is the Homepage for the Bujinkan Hombu Dojo,


But it doesn't really contain any information.

The best (in my opinion) two organizational websites for the information on the Bujinkan, are



Winjutsu being the better of the two.

Niether one are sites for specific schools, they are general informational resources for the Bujinkan Organization. I don't have any information on the Jinnekan or the Genbukan, sorry.
Originally posted by Dennis_Mahon
You might also try Mats Hjelm's Bujinkan Kabuto Shimen, the oldest Bujinkan website on the Net.

Mat's Site has a lot of good information on it, or so I have heard, but the fact that its a pay site, and you have to be able to provide a current membership card from the Hombu Dojo as well as a letter of reccomendation from your shidoshi who must be a member in good standing before you have access to it kinda makes it, er... difficult to access.
Mat's Site has a lot of good information on it, or so I have heard, but the fact that its a pay site, and you have to be able to provide a current membership card from the Hombu Dojo as well as a letter of reccomendation from your shidoshi who must be a member in good standing before you have access to it kinda makes it, er... difficult to access.

Yipes!:eek: I had no idea Mat had gone to a paysite format. And I certainly didn't know that he had made the membership requirements that tight. Did he get that many trolls?
Originally posted by Dennis_Mahon
Yipes!:eek: I had no idea Mat had gone to a paysite format. And I certainly didn't know that he had made the membership requirements that tight. Did he get that many trolls?

I dont know... I found the site AFTER it had been made that way, sadly. So I only had access to the public areas. It looks like it has a lot of good content, however.