Trailer: Cane Fighters Instructor Course - Martial Arts & Seldefense
Many different styles have a subject of Cane Fighting or the Walking Stick.
Names for Cane Martial Arts differ here some examples: Cane Ryu, Sutekki Jutsu, Cane Defense, Cane selfdefense.
Ofcourse the goal of Cane, & Stick...
Hello guys, as a systema practitioner I have always wondered how come each style, being Ryabko, Starov, Vasiliev, etc are completely different and seem to have almost nothing in common.
Would like to share a vid expalining the original creation process of the Systema Kadochnikova.
Its some...
I hope this is an appropriate thread. I’m looking for one training partner to go through the ICSA distance curriculum with. I am located in the pnw. I will also share whatever I already know about Systema. I do have some level of training, I’m just in a situation where I really want to...
Hi guys,
Thanks to accept my joining request.
My name is Istvan. Born in Hungary. I studied Wing Tsun for about 4.5 years after a rough childhood to understand 'control'. 8+ years Silat practise, 3+ years RMA Systema experience and 20 odd years later I'm still searching. :)
I've got closer and...
Do you practice Wing Chun? If so, what methods from other arts (e.g. BJJ, Systema, FMA, etc.) have you taken from/incorporated into your Wing Chun? How have you adapted those methods to conform to Wing Chun principles?
~ Alan
Hello guys I have a big dilemma about what martial art should i start training.
I've watched many videos of russian systema and i liked very much the style and the movement you do and neutralise your opponent(s).i think its very useful for defending yourself in any situation you are into...