
  1. Anarax

    Pride's Price

    Students are their biggest obstacle when they are more concerned for their pride than training. I've seen this in multiple schools over the years. There are numerous drills that are crucial in developing your skills as a martial artist. Drills are to train muscle memory, improve technique and/or...
  2. Anarax

    Sparring Women

    Over the years I've sparred many women. Just about all of them were respectful and great martial artists. However; there are those few that wish to take things up a few notches, which I'm all for. The problem lies in their urge to want to up the intensity but when you increases intensity they...
  3. Anarax

    Martial Art Students using Dojo for daycare/convenience

    I've been attending the same Dojo for years and enjoy the high quality training it provides. However; there are several adult students that feel it's appropriate to bring their kids(ages 1-8) to class. It's not a kids class, thus they don't participate. They run around, slam equipment on the...
  4. ThePuddlePirate

    To Sweat or Not to Sweat...

    Hello, I started TKD late last year. I typically train 2 to 3 nights a week (sometimes more). I absolutely love it. I have been promoted up to Purple Belt and am blessed to be studying the art with my kids. We attend a very positive, but serious (in my opinion) school. My kids can't get enough...