World Jiu-Jitsu Champion Killed

I think in the same circumstances, 100% of folks on this forum are also shot and probably also killed.

I agree with Bill that the most reliable way to avoid this specific situation is to avoid bars. But as we see daily in the USA, people just get shot. Kids get shot. Adults get shot. Martial artists and couch potatoes alike get shot. Fact of life.

Strip away the speculation and confirmation bias and we can see there are a few things that are observable. Lo was able to subdue the guy until he thought the situation was over. He did so without hurting the guy.

the rest is opportunistic, Monday morning QBing.

In my opinion, of course.
But you know, honor and not being seen as a coward and all that...
I have lived in some gritty neighborhoods in my time. Overall, it seems avoiding fights is actually not all that difficult. Usually, it just takes a willingness to let the comments roll off your back, don’t let it get under your skin; and be willing to walk (or run) away. I’ve done both, it is in no way a threat to my masculinity, even when the other guy(s) was someone I believed I could probably take. Because it just isn’t worth it if I was wrong. Nor even if I was right. I actually abhor the thought of injuring someone almost as much as I hate the thought of being injured.

One’s mileage may vary.
Do you factor the potential of guns and knives being pulled when you meet bullies on the street - as a part of your MA mind set?
I try to consider as many potentialities as possible in any conflict. Mine and theirs.
I have lived in some gritty neighborhoods in my time. Overall, it seems avoiding fights is actually not all that difficult. Usually, it just takes a willingness to let the comments roll off your back, don’t let it get under your skin; and be willing to walk (or run) away. I’ve done both, it is in no way a threat to my masculinity, even when the other guy(s) was someone I believed I could probably take. Because it just isn’t worth it if I was wrong. Nor even if I was right. I actually abhor the thought of injuring someone almost as much as I hate the thought of being injured.

One’s mileage may vary.
It brings to mind the remembrance that there are some societies and some situations where fighting may be required to actually have a modicum of safety. The military, prisons, other closed societies come to mind. However, I am no longer in the military and have not been put in prison yet. I am able to avoid fights, as you say. I don't go where trouble usually happens, I avoid alcohol, and I don't care what some random stranger thinks of my manliness. I am not this old by pure accident.
It brings to mind the remembrance that there are some societies and some situations where fighting may be required to actually have a modicum of safety. The military, prisons, other closed societies come to mind. However, I am no longer in the military and have not been put in prison yet. I am able to avoid fights, as you say. I don't go where trouble usually happens, I avoid alcohol, and I don't care what some random stranger thinks of my manliness. I am not this old by pure accident.
Yes, there are societies where violence on some regular basis is simply part of life. I am glad I do not live in one of them. Others are not so fortunate.
It's not that difficult to avoid trouble. And for the most part, it's really easy to avoid being incarcerated.

Ain't like it's rocket science.
I think in the same circumstances, 100% of folks on this forum are also shot and probably also killed.
I don't think so. I think it would take more than a bottle to make many of us feel the need to actually fight.
I think in the same circumstances, 100% of folks on this forum are also shot and probably also killed.
I disagree. Anybody who's worked as a cop would have automatically patted him down as part of the process. At least anyone I know.

And when you discovered he was carrying? Ship would get real western real fast.
I don't think so. I think it would take more than a bottle to make many of us feel the need to actually fight.
Sure. But we weren’t there. We are all filling in the blanks based on our presumptions.

But it’s cool. I don’t expect to convince anyone. Just sharing my opinion.
Lately, there are a lot of attacks on older Asians, there is NO safe area, it can happen in nice neighborhood unprovoked. That's the only reason I am even on this forum, starting with stick fight at the beginning of last year. Before that, I really didn't think much about MA or self defense, I did practice punching and kicking every week as part of my exercise as aerobics, but that's the extend of it. Since the news about older Asians being attacked, I really up my training to like 7 hours a week half on weights and half on self defense which is half stick fight and half punching and kicking.

There is no safe places anymore in the bayarea unless you go into exclusive area.
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I disagree. Anybody who's worked as a cop would have automatically patted him down as part of the process. At least anyone I know.

And when you discovered he was carrying? Ship would get real western real fast.

Maybe if that cop also happened to be an x8 world champion in BJJ.

Also I’m pretty confident I could find an example of a cop shot in a bar.
Also I’m pretty confident I could find an example of a cop shot in a bar.
So could I, but that wasn't my point.

The whole thing is just tragic.

And, in my opinion, the guy that murdered him knew who he was. I wish the very worst for that murdering mother f'r.
Sure. But we weren’t there. We are all filling in the blanks based on our presumptions.

But it’s cool. I don’t expect to convince anyone. Just sharing my opinion.
Same here. I'm sharing my opinion based on some of the stories that many have already told where they didn't act in that way. Some even had fights where they didn't stay on the scene. How a BJJ World Champion would react doesn't mean any of us would have reacted the same way and didn't act in the same way in the past, based on the life experiences that some people have already shared.
Lately, there are a lot of attacks on older Asians, there is NO safe area, it can happen in nice neighborhood unprovoked. That's the only reason I am even on this forum, starting with stick fight at the beginning of last year. Before that, I really didn't think much about MA or self defense, I did practice punching and kicking every week as part of my exercise as aerobics, but that's the extend of it. Since the news about older Asians being attacked, I really up my training to like 7 hours a week half on weights and half on self defense which is half stick fight and half punching and kicking.

There is no safe places anymore in the bayarea unless you go into exclusive area.
Not sure if there was ever a "safe place" in the U.S. There are just places that were more likely and less likely to have violence
Same here. I'm sharing my opinion based on some of the stories that many have already told where they didn't act in that way. Some even had fights where they didn't stay on the scene. How a BJJ World Champion would react doesn't mean any of us would have reacted the same way and didn't act in the same way in the past, based on the life experiences that some people have already shared.
I didn’t say you’d react the same. You’re misunderstanding me. That never even crossed my mind.
Maybe if that cop also happened to be an x8 world champion in BJJ.

Also I’m pretty confident I could find an example of a cop shot in a bar.

It was an off duty cop who shot the guy.
Sure. But we weren’t there. We are all filling in the blanks based on our presumptions.

But it’s cool. I don’t expect to convince anyone. Just sharing my opinion.

The other thing is I have subdued 10,000 drunks and haven't been shot. But we also don't allow guns in pubs.

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