Women and driving: debunking the stereotype

This reminds me of when I was in the military. I got into an argument with my friends wife who said that there is a pool game in Korea that women just didn't have the ability to play. I told her she was nuts and thought she was being very sexist to herself and her kind. Now years later I am hearing reports that there actually is proof that many women lack the spacial awareness gene. So I was right in that I still feel "some" women could do very well at the game but I now understand that most probably could not. The bottom line however is that Korean women don't even go there.
The only thing is... I would guess the Jeep girl put hers there ON PURPOSE! :D I would give her the hook, if I was passing by.
Here's my collection of cars and dumb drivers... dunno if they're women or not... but hey... how stupid can you get anyway??


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