Wing Chun Do


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
What's the difference between this style and regular WC?
I've seen a number of people call their own personal style of Wing Chun as Wing Chun Do. Some have applied JKD principals or other material from previous experience in different styles. So in other words, it could be anything from minor changes to major overhauls. Is there a particular school you were looking at?
No man, I've just seen schools on the web who teach wcd.
This may be a stupid question, but, I always get confused when I see the term Do connected with non-Japanese arts. I thought Do was Japanese for "the way". No?
as far as I know "do" attached to Martial Arts is Japanese.

But then there is Jeet Kun Do and it is not Japanese so.....

Yah, "Tao" or "Dao" would be the Manadrin, but apparently "Do" could also be used if your speaking Cantonese. My Sensei looked that up when he realised that it should Jeet Kune Dao, thats what he came up with.
Yah, "Tao" or "Dao" would be the Manadrin, but apparently "Do" could also be used if your speaking Cantonese. My Sensei looked that up when he realised that it should Jeet Kune Dao, thats what he came up with.

That would explain how the Way (Dao) of the intercepting fist came about.

The Mandarin (pinyin) is Tao but I believe the Wade-Giles may be Dao.

What's the difference between this style and regular WC?

From The Ambrose Academy here in MI. I have heard nothing but positive praise for this school but have no firsthand knowledge and Wing Chun Do is rooted from James DeMile, one of Bruce's first students. I imagine it to be simmilar to JKD, just a different name to avoid the politics of the various JKD groups.

Spartan, I am not yet a Wing Chun practitioner, but I can tell you from what I have seen/read on many forums in my search for an instructor, if you think or act outside of the traditional box that is Wing Chun, some Wing Chunner's will get all bent out of shape or try to quickly discredit it. In other words it is ultra political out there.
From everything I've read (and from what you no doubt have surmised here) WCD seems to be an intermediate art between Wing Chun and JKD. Someone somewhere (sorry, an old man's brain ain't what it used to be) wrote that WCD uses more forward pressure in Chi Sao. DeMile's books seem to second this.

The Mandarin (pinyin) is Tao but I believe the Wade-Giles may be Dao.
Actually, I think it's the other way around. My apologies if I am mistaken.