Why We Fight — An Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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I found this online. I guess it's been around for awhile, but I like it. Thought I'd share.


Why We Fight — An Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (2.0)

WHEREAS, the period since the terrible events of 9/11 has exposed the vacuity and moral confusion of all too many of the thinkers, politicians, and activists operating within conventional political categories;
WHEREAS, the Left has failed us by succumbing to reflexive anti-Americanism; by apologizing for terrorist acts; by propounding squalid theories of moral equivalence; and by blaming the victims of evil for the act of evil;
WHEREAS, the Right has failed us by pushing ‘anti-terrorist’ measures which bid fair to be both ineffective and prejudicial to the central liberties of a free society; and in some cases by rhetorically descending to almost the same level of bigotry as our enemies;
WHEREAS, even many of the Libertarians from whom we expected more intelligence have retreated into a petulant isolationism, refusing to recognize that, at this time, using the state to carry the war back to the aggressors is our only practical instrument of self-defense;
WE THEREFORE ASSERT the following convictions as the premises of the anti-idiotarian position:
THAT they have sought, and on plausible evidence found, alliance with rogue states such as pre-liberation Iraq, Iran, and North Korea; states that are known to have active programs working towards the development and delivery of weapons of that would multiply the terrorists' ability to commit atrocities by a thousandfold;

What is this evidence that they have found alliance???

The problem I have with the word terrorist is that it lumps together so many, into a simple and single entity when clearly there is not one.
What is this evidence that they have found alliance???

The problem I have with the word terrorist is that it lumps together so many, into a simple and single entity when clearly there is not one.

Hey, they're just lazy and shortsighted. Thank heaven above they are not idiots.
Ah, screw it. It's too much trouble to fight and we don't want to offend anyone's sensibilities. That would be rude of us, and after all... our people are disposable... you know... like soda-cans, except they can't be recycled. But why should that prompt anyone to want to take the fight anywhere where terrorist goups flourish? Countries like Iran are so friendly and charitable, especially to non-Muslim nations and peoples. I just don't understand it. We're really much better off just letting them do as they please. :shrug:
Ah, screw it. It's too much trouble to fight and we don't want to offend anyone's sensibilities. That would be rude of us, and after all... our people are disposable... you know... like soda-cans, except they can't be recycled. But why should that prompt anyone to want to take the fight anywhere where terrorist goups flourish? Countries like Iran are so friendly and charitable, especially to non-Muslim nations and peoples. I just don't understand it. We're really much better off just letting them do as they please. :shrug:

The alternative's worked out so well.

South America? SOLVED!
Cold War? SOLVED!
Korea? SOLVED!
Viet Nam? SOLVED!
Afghanistan? SOLVED!

Yep, we cleared up all of our past problems with military intervention. Any other way is the path of the weak kneed gutless cowards who simply refuse to see how effective random invasions actually are.

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