Why is there the war on terror?

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Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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Um, whatever...

So, why doesn't the FBI specifically list 9/11 as something he is wanted for?

Why are there so many inconsistancies in the government's story regarding the War on Terror?

Why are there so many "coincidences?"

For example, this chain of coincidences...in the mid 90s Unocal attempts to put pipeline through Afghanistan, in 98 Unocal pull out because Taliban prove to be "unreasonable", as soon as Bush is elected in 2000 they begin to negotiate with the Taliban on behalf of American Oil companies, in July of 2001 those negotiations breakdown, in August of 2001 American diplomats tell Taliban officials to "accept our carpet of gold (the pipeline) or accept our carpet of bombs,", also in August of 2001 American diplomats inform the Indian government that "we would have troops on the ground in Afghanistan before the snow flies." In the meantime, the CIA is meeting with Bin Laden in Pakistan despite being on the FBI's most wanted list. 9/11/2001. Troops on the ground in Afghanistan. Taliban ousted. Former Unocal spokesmen Hamid Karzai placed in power. Pipeline deal signed. American military bases built along its route.

For more information on this, check here.

And now it looks like the US may give Afghanistan back to the Taliban!

So, what the heck is going on here? It certainly cannot be the convoluted and grossly inaccurate story the government is pushing on the American people? How do YOU explain all of THIS stuff?


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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I will take that as a yes.

So we can see what some of the people that urge us not to fight a war on terror come from and what motivates them.

Um, whatever...

As long as you keep practicing this form of intellectual dishonesty, this discussion is pointless.

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
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Um, whatever...

As long as you keep practicing this form of intellectual dishonesty, this discussion is pointless.

Oh, "intellectual dishonesty"? I guess you have set the tone for this discussion. But I loathe to stoop to your level.

But please tell me how I am being intellectually dishonest? I asked you to point out any mistakes in what I thought your belief's and motivations were, and you did not. Instead, you posted more conspiracy theory stuff. So, as one of the biggest protestors against us taking the fight to the terrorists, I have to conclude that at least some of the people that don't want us in Afghanistan and having a military able to fight are motivated by the same beliefs. The question is how much of the number and their influence on the movement.

Or maybe you are saying I am intelletually dishonest because I refuse to believe lunatic theories about a super effecient cabel inside the goverment that would kill thousands of its own people just to lay an oil line for Unocal in Afghanistan. In short, you call me dishonest because I will not agree with you.

Seeking Zen

Yellow Belt
Nov 8, 2006
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It is interesting how George Bush orchestrated such a scheme within eight months of being office. Creating a network of mysterious, rich, shadowy powerbrokers, negotiating and planning a successful massive terror attack, creating fall guys, UN resolutions, coalition building, .....Let alone pipeline schematics...incredible really. How does he do it…you know, while controlling the media, and disinformation propaganda, not to mention keeping the illuminati and Masons in line? (Sarcasm off)

Jonathan Randall

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Hand Sword

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Sep 22, 2004
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In the Void (Where still, this merciless GOD torme
You have entirely too many misremembered and incorrect facts driving your assumptions and positions. And when they are pointed out to you, you tell those who are exposing reality to "put politics aside".

Well, it is not political to review the facts. It is not political to demand accountability. It is just inconvienent for your argument that using the military to purge an religion from the planet.

Misremembered facts, and assumptions? So there were no attacks against us? These people that caused our country's actions do not exist, and don't have their positions?

With all due respect, I asked for everyone to stop the political argument going on. ALL of us! Each side has it's own facts in an argument. I wanted to stop our fighting, and get to the Real Solutions. I have asked all to get to the solutions, instead of all of the "yelling" going on.

Where did I ever say That was my argument, or ever argued that?

I am not stating the the military is being used to banish Islam from the planet. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from putting words in my mouth. It seems that Hand Sword's point is that the military is the only option, and all Muslems' are the problem.

Talk about putting word's in someone's mouth. I would appreciate if YOU would refrain from putting word's in people's mouths.

Once again, You are arguing for the sake of arguing. You refuse to give any ideas about how to deal with what's going on, inspite of being asked repeatedly, and, you attack everyone else's ideas. Instead of just saying "that's wrong", That shouldn't be done" etc.. Try contributing for real, by taking a stance and supporting it.

If you have all of the facts, then you know the situation, inside and out, so.....What should be done to correctly deal with the problem?

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
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It is interesting how George Bush orchestrated such a scheme within eight months of being office.

When dealing with members of this debate, you have to understand that in their view of the world, both parties are part of a greater conspiracy. Call it the Military- industrial complex, the Illuminati, PNAC or the Freemasons, it has been going on for a long time and even our media is in on the conspiracy.

Yes, the people that spout this sort of thing are lunatics IMO. But unless you realize what they are really trying to say whenever they propose something like pulling troops out of Afghanistan, then you are doomed to be decieved by them. We can hardly get them to agree on the best way to fight terrorism when they think that Bin Laden is in contact and probably working with the CIA. And anything they propose to stop terrorist attacks in the future- such as ripping apart American might to make us less of a target, is really part of their desire to get rid of what they see as the real threat to peace- America and its system.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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Oh, "intellectual dishonesty"? I guess you have set the tone for this discussion. But I loathe to stoop to your level.

Thanks for another in a stream of insults, Don. I think that you are being intellectually dishonest because you have basically made a bunch of stuff up regarding what I think and then you are trying your hardest pin this strawman to me.

I'm not going to respond any further if this is the only level of discussion in which you are capable.

If you want to know what I think, you don't have to make it up. You can read my posts.

Don Roley

Senior Master
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Sep 25, 2002
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Thanks for another in a stream of insults, Don. I think that you are being intellectually dishonest because you have basically made a bunch of stuff up regarding what I think and then you are trying your hardest pin this strawman to me.

Exactly how have I made up stuff. Please show me. I can show you threads where you press the case that someone in the goverment blew up the twin towers and blamed it on Al Queada. In this thread you argue that the Taliban would have turned over Bin Laden anytime we wanted despite what the whole world saw when they refused. Your explination is that the Illuminati/FNAC/Freemasons/military-industrial complex wanted to build a pipeline across Afghanistan.

I have read your posts. Where exactly did I make a mistake? Just be aware that I can find your prior posts to point out what you previously posted.


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