Why is the economy a mess and businesses going under? A reason. by Bob Hubbard

That's a very good call, Stac3y. I have to confess that it's something I sometimes intend to do but never carry through with at big stores.

Little places, especially restaurants and hotels where the extra effort by the staff actively increases my comfort ('utility' from the purchase as we economists used to say), offer more of a chance to directly pass on to the owner which of their staff are doing a good job.
I've been seeing SO much of this lately (bad service).

IMO, you have to blame management. Front-line employees will do as little as they can get away with.

It's got to the point around here that I've been mulling over the idea of starting a "service audit" company for restaurant/business owners:

Pay me, I'll visit, and write up a detailed report on what your place is doing right and wrong.

I just don't know if it would fly or not...
I've been seeing SO much of this lately (bad service).

IMO, you have to blame management. Front-line employees will do as little as they can get away with.

It's got to the point around here that I've been mulling over the idea of starting a "service audit" company for restaurant/business owners:

Pay me, I'll visit, and write up a detailed report on what your place is doing right and wrong.

I just don't know if it would fly or not...
They have that in my area. It's called the "secret shopper" program. Someone poses as a regular customer but then fills out a detailed report on quality of service, quality of merchandise and so on.

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