Whose The Man!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Get in my guard, get in my guard!


Okay that thur is funny!
:lol: :rofl: :roflmao: :roflmao: :rofl: :lol:
And that right there is a distillation of what is in error with a lot of peoples opinions.

I've felt like saying this many times when confronted with TV-Couched-Martial-Artists - "Take it to the ground" my ****! You bring anything close enough to grab me and I'm breaking it (well, cutting it off these days but still :D).

Take out the trash ... :lol:.
I hope he is one of the anomalies on the evolutionary chain...

TFF! Brian, good find! :lfao:
:lfao: ... :lol: ... :D ... :lookie:

*pant* *pant* *pant*

Did he tap?

:lol2: :roflmao:
That wasn't a scissor kick. that would envolve too much skill for just about anybody in the UFC.
That's so good I keep going back for more - so many good quotes, it's hard to pick, tho', for now:

"He sure wa'n't aroun' when I woke up!"

is a winner :lol:.
Muffinhead: "Knock, knock."

Andy: "Who's there?"

Muffinhead: "Kimura!"

(Muffinhead charges in with waist bent and head down and gets guillotined and then DDT'ed by Andy)

Mufinhead: "Get in my guard! I Dare ya to get in my guard!"

(steel-toed football kick to crotch which brings muffinhgead's head up with jaw wide open right into waiting heel thrust with same boot).

All joking aside though:

Is anybody else mildly pissed off that BJJ/MMA folks insist on calling that particular lock a "Kimura"? Masahiko Kimura was a Judoka, therefore the proper way to address the lock would be by its Judo nomenclature, which is udegarami. Uncultured Philistines.
"Um, I'm not sure what happened after that sweet knee bar but I'm pretty sure he tapped out. Cuz he sure wasn't around when i woke up."

LOL! :boing2::boing1::roflmao::rofl::lool::whip::lfao::lol:

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