White Supremacists allies with the Radical Muslims (ie Al Queda)


Black Belt
Jun 19, 2004
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""" As most of you know I have a high regard for all those whom hold a love of Allah and the teachings of Mohammed. I, as an Aryan, know that this passion was once a part of our own culture and Aryan race prior to the jews converting christian believers to worshipers of judaism. This being accomplished through infiltrating the very essence of the faith most Aryans held as warriors of their Heavenly Father YHVH/Yahshua usurping and perverting all as the serpent devils they truly are. The parasitic jews set their sights on a plan of infiltration generations ago which has about come to completion with the abomination of having themselves heralded by most all as His True Chosen. The jews have placed themselves in a position demanding praise of all Christian believers without which they exclaim that Christians will go to hell! This message of judaism is now being spread throughout the world disguised with the names of 'freedom' and 'democracy'!'"""

Radical Muslims (by radical I mean wahabi practicners, extreme violient sect of Islam) are seen by the white supremacists of the aryan nations to be heroes, and example for all white folk. Like wahabi radical muslims, both islamic terrorists and white supremacists hate jews (which is ironic for white supremacists, since many jews are white) and hate the NWO movement.

"""The NWO gang and their #1 lackey Bush have now set their sights on Islam as the next target of infiltration and destruction by the promotion of judaism, with all it's filthy perversions, as democracy. The 'moderate' Islamics whom dance to the tune of Amerikas neo-con jew zionist policy makers are falling daily like diseased flies in the company of many other infidels across Iraq and the Middle East caught in the cross hairs of True Believers. Anyone known to be working for or conspiring with infidels against True Believers of Islam become a viable target no different than the infidel invaders. Due to their allowing themselves to become pawns of the jew they become unfit to live thus becoming acceptable targets for assassination by True Believers!""""

More similarities which lead the the eventual alliance between these violent extremeists. Both groups hate George W Bush, folks pro-Isreal, and any that have not submitted to Wahabi Islam (or nazism for the white fanatics), or any person total democracy,

But I am open-minded, and will not judge there motives on just the title page. I found this page too,


The respect that people like Leon Degrelle, Otto Ernst Remer and Adolf Hitler had for Islam arose from their understanding that Islam - authentic Islam - was the way of life of honourable warriors and produced a noble warrior society.

"""It was this respect - based upon Honor - which also led to the alliance with Japan, for Adolf Hitler and other National-Socialists understood that the ethos of Imperial Japan was a noble warrior ethos: that the Japan of the time was seeking to restore Japanese values and a Japanese way of life, valuing as it did its ancient traditions, such as Bushido. The essence of this way was the rootedness in the past - in Shinto and Bushido - with each individual seeing their own life in relation to Japan, and its ethos. That is, there was a real sense of Destiny - a real Honorable and warrior ethos where individuals were willing and prepared to sacrifice their own lives for the greater good, for their unique way of life. This pure, authentic, Japanese ethos is in complete contrast to the materialistic, consumer-capitalist ethos which now dominates Japan, and which is a direct result of their "Americanization" following their defeat in the First Zionist War - and it is this "Americanization" which the New World Order now seeks to impose upon the whole Muslim world, since the Muslim world is now the last bastion for warriors: for the practical warrior way of life which values tradition, the warrior ethos, and which, because of Honor, has an awareness, an understanding, of the numinous - that is, an awareness, an understanding, of the sacred.

For, in all genuine warrior societies, there is this awareness and understanding of the numinous - there is that perspective, of genuine humility, which arises when the individual sees themselves in relation to what is beyond them and understands that there are limits to personal behavior, and that some things are sacred: to be treasured. That is, their view of life is not that of materialism or of abstract impersonal un-numinous ideas - instead, they are connected, to their land, their people, their traditions, in a living way; they feel this, in their very being, and are prepared if necessary, and often willingly, to die for such things.""""

Hey, not bad. I see some truth to this. I also do agree that we must preserve our culture, and when anyone threatens our culture (like another country) we should fight with honor to defend our culture. Culture in my opinion is aspect of humanity that drives us to excel, in a more prideful sense, if that makes some sense. What is there to live for without honor? What is there to live for without chivalry? We need a goal to drive us forward.

However genocide and murder or whatever they plot to do I totally disagree with. I am for language and culture, but we must never get as closemined as these white supremacists or radical Muslims. For if we do genocide and murder will take place once more. Diversity is a beautiful thing, just so long as it does not destroy the main culture of the region.

The garbage they have toward jews is rubbish though. That philosophy against jews is a biggot philosophy and should be taken away the culture argument, because it has no weight in it.

Nazis and muslims have a long history together involving the jews. There were several Muslim SS units formed in Serbia in World War II. Hitler himself voiced his admiration of the Islamic faith as being far more robust than christianity. Of course they shared a common enemy, "International Jewry", as the more fascist inclined like to call it. In fact, many muslim leaders voiced their irritation to Hitler when they first started deporting jews to the middle east. They voiced their desire that Hitler come up with a "final solution" to the problem that didn't involve dropping them on the Muslims door step. A request that Hitler attempted ultimately to fulfill.

This in no way is a statement about Muslims in general, as most of them surely abhor the history of Nazism. However, it does show how the Nazis historically viewed Muslims as allies, so this from Neo-Nazis should not be surprising. It should also be noted that the Baathist party of Syria and formerly of Iraq were fascist parties modelled after the Fascist of Itally and Nazis of Germany during the 1930's.
Just more proof that when things get taken to such extremes they get completely perverted.

There is nothing wrong with being proud to be white, but when taken to the point were you have to hate all other races, you have got problems.

There is nothig wrong with being proud to me muslim, but when that means you have to hate all other religions, you have got problems.

The fact that these two groups, with their respective idiologies, could consievably form some sort of insane alliance, goes to show the extreme hypocracy that can be exibited by both.
Hitler also had a lot of admiration for how the Indians were exterminated (murdered) in the Americas. He is on record saying that he used the U.S. as his model for exterminating (murdering) the Jewish people.
TonyM. said:
Hitler also had a lot of admiration for how the Indians were exterminated (murdered) in the Americas. He is on record saying that he used the U.S. as his model for exterminating (murdering) the Jewish people.
I doubt you can support that. Lets see that "record" that Hitler is on saying that. Nice try though.

Hitlers intent is irrelavent, I don't recall Nebraska starting an SS Division, however. Actually, I think we sent troops to fight hitler, not so Muslims who participate in their own SS Divisions, the infamous Hanjar 13th Waffen SS division, who helped carry out the holocaust of over 800,000 Yugoslavians. Many Muslims joined SS Divisions at the urging of Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini.

That's not an indictment of all Muslims as i'm sure you're insinuating. It IS a clear statement of Nazis view of their enemies and allies, supporting Muslims against Jews is nothing new for Nazis. Of course, this happened over 60 years ago, and has little bearing on today. I just thought i'd point out to those who like to label others Nazis, just exactly what happened with the Nazis and why.
It's hardly surprising. They're both meatheads, who espouse religious fundamentalism, racial segregation, anti-semitism, and radical capitalism.
TonyM. said:
Hitler also had a lot of admiration for how the Indians were exterminated (murdered) in the Americas. He is on record saying that he used the U.S. as his model for exterminating (murdering) the Jewish people.
Could you cite that record, please?
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A quick web search reveals:

"Hitler's concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America's extermination - by starvation and uneven combat - of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity."

P. 202, "Adolph Hitler" by John Toland
I'm glad I read through the inital post twice and was (hopefully) able to disconcern where the "article" stopped and your personal comments began.

Kane said:
Hey, not bad. I see some truth to this. I also do agree that we must preserve our culture, and when anyone threatens our culture (like another country) we should fight with honor to defend our culture. Culture in my opinion is aspect of humanity that drives us to excel, in a more prideful sense, if that makes some sense. What is there to live for without honor? What is there to live for without chivalry? We need a goal to drive us forward.
What truth? The type of racist commentary spewed by the so called Aryans and their ilk (i.e. KKK) against any who are non-white is ignorant and totally against the Christian ideals/values that they say they support. Aligning themselves with ultra-extremist groups like the Al Queda because they too hate Jews and those who work/live/love them is being unpatriotic at best.
Honor? Chivalry? Using terrorist tactics, bombing/destroying non-white owned property, attacking (often times without provocation) non-whites on the basis that they are "non-white". Spreading/teaching lies about how inferior non-white races are. That's honor? That's chivalry? It's cowardice if you ask me.
True, during the King riots blacks vented their wrath upon anything that was "non-black". Blacks, Asian and Latino races have violent youth gangs that cause problems and spread terror and violence in big (and small) cities.
So it's not really a racial issue is it?

When people gather and there is someone of a charismatic nature spreading this disease of racial hatred and prejudice. When they're spreading bigotry and lies. You're going to have these type of problems.

People (in general) need to just grow up! People of all races have shown intelligence and their social worth a hundred times over. No race (IMO) is inferior nor have they ever been. We got stupid white people too ya know? We've got lazy, criminally minded, unscruplous white people too.

Bigotry, racism, predjudice starts at home. It can end there too. It's a matter of choice. It a matter of taking responsiblity for one's self. It's owning up to one's own failures as well as successes than blaming (failures) on someone else.
There are many, many examples of successful people of all races in this (and other) countries. Racial inferiority has nothing to do with one being better than the other because it doesn't exist.

Just plain stupid thinking if you ask me.
shesulsa said:
Could you cite that record, please?
Actually TonyM. is right. In the book "Hitler's Second Book" (sequel to Mein Kamf) Hitler describes how much he loves America and their treatment of the Native Americans during the manifest destiny time. I was quite surprised when I read this, before that I though Hitler cared little for the US (he barely mentions in it his first book Mein Kamf).
MACaver said:
I'm glad I read through the inital post twice and was (hopefully) able to disconcern where the "article" stopped and your personal comments began.

What truth? The type of racist commentary spewed by the so called Aryans and their ilk (i.e. KKK) against any who are non-white is ignorant and totally against the Christian ideals/values that they say they support. Aligning themselves with ultra-extremist groups like the Al Queda because they too hate Jews and those who work/live/love them is being unpatriotic at best.
Honor? Chivalry? Using terrorist tactics, bombing/destroying non-white owned property, attacking (often times without provocation) non-whites on the basis that they are "non-white". Spreading/teaching lies about how inferior non-white races are. That's honor? That's chivalry? It's cowardice if you ask me.
True, during the King riots blacks vented their wrath upon anything that was "non-black". Blacks, Asian and Latino races have violent youth gangs that cause problems and spread terror and violence in big (and small) cities.
So it's not really a racial issue is it?

When people gather and there is someone of a charismatic nature spreading this disease of racial hatred and prejudice. When they're spreading bigotry and lies. You're going to have these type of problems.

People (in general) need to just grow up! People of all races have shown intelligence and their social worth a hundred times over. No race (IMO) is inferior nor have they ever been. We got stupid white people too ya know? We've got lazy, criminally minded, unscruplous white people too.

Bigotry, racism, predjudice starts at home. It can end there too. It's a matter of choice. It a matter of taking responsiblity for one's self. It's owning up to one's own failures as well as successes than blaming (failures) on someone else.
There are many, many examples of successful people of all races in this (and other) countries. Racial inferiority has nothing to do with one being better than the other because it doesn't exist.

Just plain stupid thinking if you ask me.
Oh yes I agree. But you have to remember what their goal is. The good in what they are trying to say is to restore culture. I agree to a certain extent that out culture has been degraded a bit.

However the means in restoring our culture is different to me. I do not believe we should kill non-whites or kill anyone that threatens our culture. I do not think that any person is inferior, nor do I think racism is a solution to restore culture. I am in a way opposed to some aspects of the NWO, but I don't believe we should discrimination should be a valid protest for this.
rmcrobertson said:
It's hardly surprising. They're both meatheads, who espouse religious fundamentalism, racial segregation, anti-semitism, and radical capitalism.
Al Queda is for capitolism? That doesn't sound right.
Yea, who knows whether Al Queda is for capitalism. White Supremacists in general don't discuss about capitalism. Somewhat confusing because they claim to belong to a socialist party, but they hate communism. Doesn't make too much sense. I think rmcrobertson was trying to showed his radical lib side in that post too;).
Andrew Green said:
A quick web search reveals:

"Hitler's concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America's extermination - by starvation and uneven combat - of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity."

P. 202, "Adolph Hitler" by John Toland
What Hitler used as inspiration is irrelavent, as I already noted. It's hardly the same as showing collusion between the US and Hitler, as has been noted between Hitler and Muslim's. A mutual admiration existed (and continues to exist, as the popularity of Mein Kampf among the Arab world, specifically among Palestinians shows, as shown by it's sales in those nations, and it's toping recent Palestian bestseller lists, as shown by the French newspaper Agence French Presse.)
Collusion between the US and Hitler might be something like Hitler starting interpol and it's first vicepresident being J. Edgar Hoover.