which would you rather be......


2nd Black Belt
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
London England
A bum with a dream or a success(and all the riches that go with it) with no imagination?

Combining the 2 is not an option.

you have to pick one...and why.

you can make an allowance for "society standards" if you want.
guess you would need an imagination to answer...................

My problem is that I would rather be neither, pragmatically speaking; my current responsibilities require me to be more successful than a bum, but I could never give up my imagination.

The other problem is, though of course a bum with a dream sounds more spiritually appealing, having just a dream is no indicator of future success. You also need to have the determination to realize your dream, or a whole lotta luck, otherwise you will remain a bum. That, for me, is unacceptable.
I am having a hard time with your question because I am unsure about how you would define "a bum" and "success" and a "dream" and "no imagination."

If you have a dream, but it's never realized, does that make you a bum?
How would someone be considered a success, without imagination?

I am trying to think of concrete examples, but I am failing. Do you have any?

success, why? Because i have to pick one and aside from that there wasn't much thought that went into the answer, the choice isn't illustrative of my preferal of one to the other. The only thing that helped make the decision was that i have been the bum with a dream so i know how that one feels so the other is an alternative to experiences i already have.
Either are lacking. The bum lacks motivation and money to act on his dream or imagination. So his thought/imagination/dream is wasted.

The success must of had imagination at one time and lost it, has the money from it, but is too old/bored to enjoy it and lacks imagination for motivation to benefit others. So his money is wasted and in the end not completely successful. TW
A bum with a dream.

Because the "bum" part would only be temporary. My dream would cause me to eventually rise above "bum-ness" to success.

On the other hand, if I were a success without imagination, I would eventually lose my success. Depending on the amount of $$$$, would determine how long my success would last, but eventually I or my heirs would go broke.

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