Where did I miss the boat?


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
I have been in the country for nearly 20 years by now (don't remind me...I don't feel that old)

But what is it lately that 'thank you very much' has been replaced with 'thank you much'?!

I swear, I have not heard the latte phrase EVER in nearly 20 years, now EVERYBODY is using it!!

I want to slap people who say that (it is connected with the person who first uttered the phrase to me, I know, I know), but really, some half assed 'much'? Is the very too much to utter?
People are just getting too lazy these days... In the future you will probably just get a simple "grunt" in return... :shrug:
People are just getting too lazy these days... In the future you will probably just get a simple "grunt" in return... :shrug:

LOL, I can probbaly deal with that a lot better than with 'Thank you much'
I always got confused in Germany when people said bitte schon when we'd been told that danke schon was the correct reply!
My reply to 'thank you much' would be my name isn't Much, it should be thank you Irene! come to that Americans never pronounce my name correctly they cut it short as in Ireen, it should be Iren-E, pronounce the e please! Of course to the Aussies I'm Sheila lol, I do answer to anything polite however.
I haven’t heard that one, maybe it hasn’t made its way north yet.

Most people I encounter tend to say “thanks” or “thank you” when you hold a door for them, the most common response at stores these days to a thank you is, “no problem.” The one that always gets me, and no offence to our American cousins, is the response “uh-huh” to a thank you. I’ve heard this many, many times in New York State, though when I was in Mississippi and Louisiana I didn’t hear it once.

Hell I’m just happy people are willing to acknowledge a thank you with some type of response.
"Thank you much"? I have not heard this.. what people are you talking with G?? Get away from them right now!! haha..

Anyways thanks muchly is far better :D
"Thank you much"? I have not heard this.. what people are you talking with G?? Get away from them right now!! haha..

Anyways thanks muchly is far better :D

I have never heard that shortened version either. However, now that I heard it here, I'll probably start noticing it.