when not doing martial arts

As an aside, Fiendlover, from my own experience it is best to write for the love of it rather than the expectation of being published. It's even worse now than it was when I was a teenager getting my English Lit. teacher to critique my efforts - millions upon millions hope to make their living via the written word but only a handful do.

Luck more than talent determines the 'breaks' so don't let it dishearten you if the literary career does not materialise. I have a drawer full of manuscripts in various states of completion and I still like to dig through them on occasion (tho' some of them make me cringe these days :D). Maybe I'll try again one of these days ...

oh yeah i LOVE to write and i write because i love it. it wasnt until recently that i have been interested in actualy getting them published. actually when Eragon came out that spiked my "i can do it too" mind set.
Mostly I'm chasing my kids activities. Swimming, little league, fishing, etc. We live on a river so add canoeing. I'm a volunteer firefighter so occasionally my plans get interrupted...

Oh! Surfing around on MT!
a good method for me is that whatever you think of you should just write it down no matter what it is and if you dont like it you can alway omit it. good luck.

I've actually read a lot of the post-Lord of the Rings stuff that Christopher Tolkien published after the death of his father. One thing that became clear to me was that when Tolkien set out to write LOR, he really didn't know what the story was going to be about. This is why the first segments of The Fellowship have a sort of randomness, full of rather unconcerned wanderings. Tokien was literally making it up as he went along. When he would hit upon an important element of the story, he then re-wrote the earlier segments to work that part in. But overall, he just started writing and let it develop. Of course it took some 17 years before it was finally published.

But at any rate, I take some heart in that, and on occasion I have just sat down and started writing the ideas. I figure if I write some of them down, even if they are disjointed segments, eventually they may find their way into a coherent story. Even if it takes 17 years...
ME I love to fish. I fish every chance I can get I think i am a master at catching perch! my record is like 15 in one day it was crazy! I also like to play my NCAA football games it helps me relax
I spend a lot of time with my girlfriend/friend and playing the wii, also attempting to learn Japanese. If I get the chance I like to go diving or snowboarding as well, but its rare these days.
I love to read, I'm a big Pratchett fan (I was gutted when I heard he had alzheimers). I've also gotten hooked on Mark Chadbourns work. Post apocalyptic Britain meets Lord of the Rings, it's awesome stuff.
I'm a traceur, though I'm a bit out of practice. I got in on the craze when parkour was just beginning to seep into the country from France. I'd call meself a freerunner, but I never was one for tricks so I go for smooth movements and direct travel over land on foot.
Other than that I love to draw. I'm a big anime and manga fan so I been drawing those sorts of styles for years. I have a drawing style akin to Akira Toriyama (creator of the Dragonball franchise).
I also like to do gardening, green fingers run in the family and I learnt lots off my granddad.
Xbox 360! I love computer games, been playing since the master system when I was like 5 years old, I love that little blue hedgehog. I'm a big RPG fan, hooked on the final fantasy series.
Finally I like to write and research. Although to be fair most of my research is martial arts related, I'm also interested in war and historical martial artists.
I also attempt to get involved in a couple of amature theater productions...