Whats your training schedule like?

Thunder Foot

Brown Belt
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
L.A., CA
Hello, I'm fairly new to the forum... well not really because I used to have an account with this same username, but it seems to have been deleted. Maybe due to a lack of inactivity... my poor blue belt ranking!!:vu:

Anyway, I was wondering what some of your training schedules look like. I'm currently struggling between weightlifting and Martial Training (currently MT, and BJJ). I'm consistantly lifting 4x per week, and training 4x per week as well. Typically that has me training AND lifting weights in the same days. Often I find myself over-fatigued the following day, and not able to get optimal training results from it, as some muscles are still recovering from lifting. I eat right and take a few supplements like L-arginine & L-glutamine to help with my muscle recovery process... but I still notice a hindurance in my endurance.

My question is, do any of you weight train alongside your martial training? And if so, what does your schedule look like? How do you do one without sacrificing the other to some degree?

In best regards,
It can be a difficult balance. I am teaching or training 6 or 7 days per week because i teach kenpo, modern arnis, and okinawan weapons.
I also weight lift 3 times per week and bike when i can.
I take turns on focusing on different things: for example: i might focus heavily on kenpo for a few months and then shift greater focus to the arnis.
To keep up with it all I have to keep at it almost every day.
My school is a 2nd home for me though so the sacrifice is worth it!
Well, welcome back then. :)

I practice M - W - F and weight train on T - Th - S. Some weeks I only practice and lift weeks twice. If you think you're overdoing it you might want to cut back on one or the other. Maybe even alternate a bit. More practice and less lifting one week and then more lifts the following.

Try out different routines and see what works best for you. There is no perfect routine: it really just comes down to your own personal preferences and your body's ability to recover. Good luck!
green meanie said:
Well, welcome back then. :)

I practice M - W - F and weight train on T - Th - S. Some weeks I only practice and lift weeks twice. If you think you're overdoing it you might want to cut back on one or the other. Maybe even alternate a bit. More practice and less lifting one week and then more lifts the following.

Try out different routines and see what works best for you. There is no perfect routine: it really just comes down to your own personal preferences and your body's ability to recover. Good luck!

I agree there is no optimal routine. So my recommendation is the body weight exercises over weight training for at least three months. Let your body totally recup from the muscle breakdown and ripping and tearing.
I'm training 30 minutes a day every day right now. I alternate forms, weapons, and bag work in a three day rotation.
I was in the same boat weigh training and training four days a week. Your best bet is to either alternate days between the lifting and the training other wise your going to burn out fast, Also make sure you take a day off during the week. Try treating it like runners schedule create a week of nothing but low impact activities and see how it works out for you. Good luck and happy training
I train every day, sometimes only for about 15 minutes, but usually more...the key for me is everyday.

Right now I'm doing cardio M, W, F and Lifting Tu, Thu and Sat. I am also teaching my class on Mon, Wed, Thur and Sat. So the only days that I don't double up are Tues, Fri and Sun.

As for being fatigued, I take various supplements for recovery (amino acids) and general health (GNC Mega-Man vitamins). It generally helps me out with the fatigue and stuff.
mondays i hit my total gym for and hour then go to 1pm tkd class 2pm randori practice and 6pm i teach til 730pm

tuesday i hit the total gym for about an hour before 1pm tkd class and 2pm randori practice and tkd agian at 545pm

wednsday i teach at 345pm to 5pm and go to advanced tkd class at 615pm and randori at 730pm til about 9pm

thursday i hit the total gym at 3pm and stay on it til 5pm then teach at 6pm til 730pm

friday i go to fight night at 7pm and randori practice at 815pm til about 930pm

i take weekends off. i also spend 30 minutes a day on a leg stretcher
this weekend however their is a tournament on saturday and instructors course on sunday from 1 to 5pm. second year of instructors course that will last every weekend 4 hours each day til the end of august
Monday - Kata - Core
Tuesday - Karate
Wednesday - running (intervals)
Thursday - Karate
Friday - off
Saturday - Kata - upper body strength
Sunday - Kata - lower body strength

My day off changes from time to time ... like to Sat or Sun.
Thunder Foot said:
Hello, I'm fairly new to the forum... well not really because I used to have an account with this same username, but it seems to have been deleted. Maybe due to a lack of inactivity... my poor blue belt ranking!!:vu:

Welcome back to Martial Talk! I'm sure in no time, you'll be right back at that blue belt or higher!:)

Anyway, I was wondering what some of your training schedules look like. I'm currently struggling between weightlifting and Martial Training (currently MT, and BJJ). I'm consistantly lifting 4x per week, and training 4x per week as well. Typically that has me training AND lifting weights in the same days. Often I find myself over-fatigued the following day, and not able to get optimal training results from it, as some muscles are still recovering from lifting. I eat right and take a few supplements like L-arginine & L-glutamine to help with my muscle recovery process... but I still notice a hindurance in my endurance.

My question is, do any of you weight train alongside your martial training? And if so, what does your schedule look like? How do you do one without sacrificing the other to some degree?

In best regards,

Its possible that you could be burning yourself out. Our body is an amazing machine, but it can break down and get tired. You may want to re-evaluate your training routine. For example, include an extra day to rest, or rather than always going hard and heavy, pick some days to work out lighter.

I lift at least 3 days a week. I try to do something along the lines of Mon, Wed, Fri, but sometimes it doesn't turn out that way, and it could be Mon, Tue, Fri. Regardless, I still try to do 3 days of weights. My work schedule isn't the greatest when it comes to allowing time to train, but I make the best of it. I'll average at least one Kenpo class in addition to an hour private lesson. The same can be said for my Arnis training. I do my best to train at home as well. I'll also try to get together with people outside of the regular classes. Even if its for a 1/2 hr, its better than nothing.

Unfortunately, sacrifices will have to be made due to real life. We just have to do our best to work around the busy parts and train when we can.

I randomize my actual training to avoid a routine. But on average 3x week for conditioning (weights, cardio, etc.) and 7x week physical martial arts practice (sparring, technique, drills, etc.) and 7x week mental martial arts practice (reading, teaching, formulating).
Wow, listen to you guys... Talk about hardcore. I run a few miles a week, when I can, do a stretching and strengthening routine as and when I can. Used to be really fit, now it hovers just above average. I work long horrible hours, and fit it in when I can. I admire people that have an actual routine, random or otherwise. You have my respect, as I can never seem to get into one. :asian:
Kensai said:
Wow, listen to you guys... Talk about hardcore. I run a few miles a week, when I can, do a stretching and strengthening routine as and when I can. Used to be really fit, now it hovers just above average. I work long horrible hours, and fit it in when I can. I admire people that have an actual routine, random or otherwise. You have my respect, as I can never seem to get into one. :asian:

I'm with you on the long horrible hours and fit in where you can, LOL.

Monday and Thursday in the Dojo. Tuesday and Friday weights and kata
Wed and Sat what ever I feel like doing ( bag work, rope, bike, or maybe just read/watch MA related, exercise the mind). Sunday .......nothing MA related
I train with my sifu on Saturday mornings, and usually I end up practicing for 4 hours or more during this session. Mostly forms practice, including weapons, but sometimes there are some guys there with whom I can practice applications. When I get home I try to spend a little time on the heavy bag.

During the week I try to train 4-5 times for a couple hours in the morning before work. I belong to a gym near my office so I go in and do my own practice. Mostly basics and forms, including weapons.

On Wednesday nights I train with my capoeira school, for about an hour and a half or so.

Sometimes, when my schdule permits, I train thursday nights for a couple hours with my Wing Chun sifu, but I have been mostly away from that for about a year.
Insofar as martial arts goes, weight training should be technique specific. If you're putting in a lot of time with weight lifting, you need to make a choice between martial arts or body building-
Monday - Panantukan Muay Thai - Jujitsu Dumog
Tuesday - MMA Sparring and Ground Fighting
Wednesday - Tien Shan Pai Kung Fu - Yama-Tani Ryu Ju-Jitsu
Thursday - Aikido - Shingitai Goshinjitsu
Friday - Panantukan Suntukan Boxing
Saturday - Kendo and MMA sparring and Ground Fighting

I get off at 4:30 every day so i take two different arts on the days i can. I just recently started the Kendo Saturdays and love it. All week long i work on weight training and cardio too.

This is what ive taken over the years.

These first 6 taken from 1993 thru 2001 at the same Dojo (Tokoshi Martial Arts)
1. Kachido Aikijitsu
2. Tokoshi Kan Aikijitsu
3. Tokoshi Kan Karate
4. Tokoshi Kan Jujitsu
5. Tokoshi Kan Bujutsu
6. Moo Duk Kwan/Tae Kwon Do

2001 thru 2005
Seiei Kan Karate
Seiei Kan Ju-Jitsu
Yama-Tani Ryu Ju-Jitsu
Shingitai Goshinjitsu
Filipino Arnis
Kodokan Judo

MMA Training
2005 thru present
Panantukan Muay Thai
Jujitsu Dumog
Tien Shan Pai Kung Fu
Panantukan Suntukan Boxing
I train in kenpo about 3 hours a week - m,w,f and Iaido 5 hours a week on w,f,s. I also hit the gym my other two free days. Soon I hope to add escrima.

don (el paso)
don bohrer said:
I train in kenpo about 3 hours a week - m,w,f and Iaido 5 hours a week on w,f,s. I also hit the gym my other two free days. Soon I hope to add escrima.

don (el paso)

Escrima is so fun and practical. I highly recommend you add it to your arsenal.