What would your Indian Name Be?


3rd Black Belt
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
If you were named in the same way the Native Americans named their offspring, so that the name reflected your personality and attributes, what would your name be?

Our very vocal Golden Retriever is named Quinn, it means " Golden Wolf with much to say."

I am Tinyavenger ,it means " small elf that brings much sadness and pain when ****ed with":EG:

So what would your name be and what does it mean?

Guardiananger ( anger but always claim and and to guard the unwanted pian of the world)
Young Wolf Counselor -- at least that's what the books on the origins of names say...
I have been called Bouncing feather and shadow hunter by some of my Indian friends
I will defer to my co workers (none of whom are Native American) and say my name would be Wise *** Bastard, which tranlates into "He who has a sharp tongue and says what other people are too nice or too smart to say"
I will defer to my co workers (none of whom are Native American) and say my name would be Wise *** Bastard, which tranlates into "He who has a sharp tongue and says what other people are too nice or too smart to say"

Think Wise *** Bastard and Smart Mouth ***** know eachother?:lfao:My co-workers would think you were my mentor!
Think Wise *** Bastard and Smart Mouth ***** know eachother?:lfao:My co-workers would think you were my mentor!

They must be members of the same clan. We can only mentor others in our clan, who show they have the gift.:roflmao:
I've had a few suggested, "Can't drive without stopping to pee" or, "She no squeekum" (cause I never fart *cough*) or, "Dances with Fools".

I could go on....but I'll spare you.
'Calm in Storm' -at least, thats how my friends refer to me. All chaos could be breaking loose and I'll be pretty relaxed about it. Or too lazy to get excited. Whichever.
