What was your TKD BB test like?


Senior Master
Dec 7, 2010
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Kenpo Karate is a nice martial art, I did it for a full year and I liked, it is diferent from TKD and would like to repeat the experience and go for the purple belt and who knows from there. I remeber doing my yellow belt test with efort but it was the orange belt the one examination where I put all my might in years, I prepared very well and afther that I prepared my second dan black belt in TKD. Kenpo is nice and I think it benefited my TKD there are such things in kenpo like the checking and some physics concepts that has enhanced my TKD.

What style of Kenpo do you study? Ed Parker? Kajukenbo? I know there is a senior Kajukenbo instructor who lives in Mexico. I have an opportunity to buy a mint condition copy of Professor James Mitose's original book published in 1953. It's $950.00 though. Should I get it? I already have one with a different cover on it which was autographed and given to me by Professor Chow.

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