What was your silly childhood fear?

Originally posted by Master of Blades
Clowns.......Cant take Clowns.....:uhoh:

...I have this vision of MOB sitting in bed repeating "Can't sleep...clown'll eat me...can't sleep...clown'll eat me..." ...or watching IT...we all float down here....:EG:
mine was the dark...I hated the dark as a child...well...I still am a child. now the night time is my favorite part of the day...er...yeah...anyways...
The Creature from the Black Lagoon, that @$&%#* kept me from swimming in the lake until I was about 10.:vu:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
.. as long as the lamp next to the bed was within reach..

I had to sleep in the dark when I was little -- otherwise the cat (cats at that time) would get in and terrorize my lil Budgie. *sniff* i miss him....

but it wasn't completely dark, I got the moon shining in my window and it'd set off that damn bird clock at like midnight or 1 am *shakes fish*
*FIST! I meant *shakes fist*

grr! i do that all the time in chats...i agree w/ ya tess, spelling isn't my forte...which is why i should find a beta for my stories so they're not too bad -- spelling-wise.

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