What really works in selff defense

There is a problem avoiding bad people, but living in downtown Brooklyn area for a while I've learned something though you can tell a lot about a suspicious person by the way they look at people or reactions they make.

As for the question what really works in self defense really it depends on your technique you use but mostly how you use your technique for example. For example if someone goes for a reverse punch you could grab and pull it too get them off balance but if you grab it loosely or pull it wrong or not hard enough that is like doing a good technique wrong so In my opinion both are required to make it work
^This is also true. Emphasizing what I was saying in my first post in this thread, you can also spot people who are out of place and it is showing in how they look at people and their reactions. And this is exactly the type of person that someone with a predatory mindset is going to zero in on. They can 'smell the fear' in other words.
Being able to take a hit and not lose your abilty to react appropriately!!!!!
Being able to take a hit and not lose your ability to react appropriately!!!!!
I've heard that before as a criticism of TKD. More specifically, the criticism is that unlike boxing, most TKD practitioners never get punched in the face, so when they do get punched in the face in a real situation, they may be stunned, realize it's totally different than class sparring, and freeze.
They get kicked in the face... Depends on how you train...TKD has allot of uninformed critics with an axe to grind....Same could be said of a boxer who gets kicked in the face...just depends on who is getting kicked or punched...really has little to do with the art!
Less to do with the art, agreed, and more to do with the student, the style of practice, and teaching. Of the 3, the most important aspect is the student - some people have a fight in them and some give up. I half joke that the most important thing if you find yourself in a fight...is to fight.