what is starring


Green Belt
Mar 30, 2016
Reaction score
not the movie starring like the other starring if u get what i mean. like the self defense 1.

and yes i did search it up but i didnt find what i was looking 4..
I've never heard of it.
Oh you mean sparring. So are you asking just generally what sparring is, or what is it's purpose, or something else?

yhh sparring thts the one. cant blv i got it wrong...

im asking both actually. what sparring is and what the purpose iss....
Sparring is life or death combat, in which the members of your dojo/dojang rally together and travel to another nearby dojo. When you arrive, you and your fellow students find opponents amongst the members of the enemy school and take weapons off the walls (...in my experience, the weapon of choice is the bokken, or wooden sword.)

When the 1st set of fights are over, the surviving fighters find new opponents, and this goes on until only one dojo is still standing.

At my last sparring match, i defeated an assistant instructor who was well versed in the art of Kanpai (it's a form of kung fu.) He came at me with a shinai, i was able to tsuki him in the throat with my bokken and deliver a finishing strike.

Scary stuff. :bear:
starring like that thing they do in karate/tkd like were two people starr against each other or something idk.
Sparring, not starring. Rather a big difference there.

Sparring is a form of training where partners test their skills against each other in an unscripted way, but with rules of some sort or another for safety's sake. Depending on the school and the system, there can be various levels of contact and limitations on what techniques are allowed.

Boxing sparring:

Karate point sparring:

Sparring in HEMA:

Judo sparring (called randori):

In general, the purpose of sparring is to develop the necessary skills and attributes for applying your technique against an opponent who is actively working to prevent you from doing so and is also working to use his/her technique against you.

Often in karate and TKD, the term "sparring" is also used to describe actual tournament competition using this same sort of format. This is in contrast to boxing/kickboxing/MMA, where the word "sparring" is reserved for training while the actual competition is referred to as a "fight."