what is Modern Arnis



I just dont know what it is and i see it alot on here?
is is a style of Kenpo?


Originally posted by Jas0n
I just dont know what it is and i see it alot on here?
is is a style of Kenpo?

A very practical and pragmatic martial art style, founded by the late GM Remy Presas in the early 1960's, in the Philippines. It later became a standard part of the Philippines national Physical Education curriculum for elementry and high school programs from approximently 1968 to the present.

It involves empty hand, single stick (24 - 30 inches), double stick, and stick & dagger combination in the basic configuration of the art. Staff, single and double dagger, rope fighting and grappling are inclusive within some programs taught within the USA.

If your kenpo lineage is through Hawaii and the Mitsoe to Chow to Emperado to Parker to Tracy, then you have elements of the eskrima or arnis training, though not specificly Modern Arnis within your training requirements. They will most likely not be identified as such, but they are there none the less.

My training was a dual program of Tracy System Kenpo and Modern Arnis from white belt through 1st dan and lakan isa (black belt 1st in Tagalog language), under Sifu Don Zanghi, in Buffalo NY from 1981 thru 1985. If you are interested in putting some Modern Arnis into your Kenpo program, e-mail me at <[email protected]>

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

PS: I taught several classes on the Escrima-Kenpo-Arnis Connection at the 2001 Gathering of Eagles.


Orange Belt
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Hey there JaSon, the description below just doesn't get much better than what is posted below. This man knows what he is talking about. Read it carefully, look at the linages he provides. This man has been there and he's inviting you to check him out.
Don't be a wimp, he answered your question with some details, if I were you, I'd write him.


Originally posted by DoctorB
A very practical and pragmatic martial art style, founded by the late GM Remy Presas in the early 1960's, in the Philippines. It later became a standard part of the Philippines national Physical Education curriculum for elementry and high school programs from approximently 1968 to the present.

It involves empty hand, single stick (24 - 30 inches), double stick, and stick & dagger combination in the basic configuration of the art. Staff, single and double dagger, rope fighting and grappling are inclusive within some programs taught within the USA.

If your kenpo lineage is through Hawaii and the Mitsoe to Chow to Emperado to Parker to Tracy, then you have elements of the eskrima or arnis training, though not specificly Modern Arnis within your training requirements. They will most likely not be identified as such, but they are there none the less.

My training was a dual program of Tracy System Kenpo and Modern Arnis from white belt through 1st dan and lakan isa (black belt 1st in Tagalog language), under Sifu Don Zanghi, in Buffalo NY from 1981 thru 1985. If you are interested in putting some Modern Arnis into your Kenpo program, e-mail me at <[email protected]>

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

PS: I taught several classes on the Escrima-Kenpo-Arnis Connection at the 2001 Gathering of Eagles.