What instant messanging client do you use?


Brown Belt
Jun 13, 2004
Reaction score
I once used Yahoo, AOL, ICQ, and MSN untill I discovered the Trillian and Gaim messengers. They allow you to use all the above clients and more with one window open. I love it. I like Trillian better as of now but who knows it might change. Trillian will try to get you to buy Trillian Pro. Which is fine if you have the money because it gives you much more customization options, specially with skins. I just have the free version.

Give them a try if you have more than one client.

More about gaim go to http://www.gaim.sourceforge.net/about.php
More about Trillian go to http://www.trillian.cc/downloads
I used to use Trillian, but deleted it. It's too buggy for my tastes.

Anymore, I just use Yahoo Messenger. If I have trouble with that one, or connectivity is a problem, I switch over to MSN. If that one is having trouble too, go to ICQ. /shrug.
Try Gaim...See if that is less buggy for you. I haven't noticed any bugginess with Trillian on my system but I haven't been using it that long. Gaim seems to be solid but sometimes will not connect to certain accounts. I have also had to delete an account and re-ad it. It worked, don't know what the problem was.

Give Gaim a try and let me know what you think. Gaim is used a lot with Linux.