What do you guys think about the mirrors in yur studio?


Green Belt
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
Atlanta Ga, USA
So what do you guys think about the mirrors in your school (if you have them)? Do you use them or do you think that they are just one more thing you can't throw your buddy into?

I know at one school I was at I got in trouble for looking into them during testing time. I even got caught looking in them when I honestly was not looking in them at all. If we were to get caught looking in them during our test our instructors would assume that we were looking at someone else to see how to do something, which put bad marks on us during the test.

But on the other hand I have been at a school that somewhat encouraged the lower belt to use them to watch the upper belts during a test. So how dose this situation roll at your school?
I think the mirrors look pretty good when I'm looking in them:ultracool

Mirrors are a great training tool as they allow a student to get immediate feedback o form and body alignment.

Well seeing as I have spent at least 2 full days helping hang the mirrors at our new school, I think they are great! :)

For the day to day training, they can be very useful to check on foot and hand positions when practicing poomse. Master Wall has also been having us use them to work on our side kicks. For that they can be very useful.
So what do you guys think about the mirrors in your school (if you have them)? Do you use them or do you think that they are just one more thing you can't throw your buddy into?
We have been told that there is an ATM a block away should we break one of the mirrors.
I know at one school I was at I got in trouble for looking into them during testing time.
I get yelled at because I don't look in the mirrors
I think the mirrors look pretty good when I'm looking in them:ultracool

Mirrors are a great training tool as they allow a student to get immediate feedback o form and body alignment.

Couldn't agree more with the second part of your post, as to the first :idunno:
We have some student who always want to look at themselves in the mirrors instead of what they should be doing. I think that the mirrors are a help; I have just trained myself not to use them because I use to get in trouble during my tests. I at the time I figured train yourself not to look at them during class and I won't look at them during testing. Not the best ideal!
I think the mirrors look pretty good when I'm looking in them:ultracool

Mirrors are a great training tool as they allow a student to get immediate feedback o form and body alignment.


I agree - and much more immediate than videos.
I think the mirrors look pretty good when I'm looking in them:ultracool

Mirrors are a great training tool as they allow a student to get immediate feedback o form and body alignment.


They have benefits for those willing to use it and for others they are a distraction from there training.
I liked the mirrors as a student. I didn't always use it but I especially like them for forms practice.

I miss not having mirrors in my current school.

As an instructor, I don't think students should ever be criticized for using the mirrors. If the mirrors are up, students should be able to use them. If the instructor does not want the mirrors used they should cover them up or take them down.
We have mirrors in my school. In fact, the students face the mirrors when they line up. I have them use the mirrors during basics, having them use their own reflection as the target. Mirrors are a tremendous tool, especially at lower ranks.
As a white belt I would spend hours in front of the mirror doing basics, improving my stances and preforming the two simple, pretty stationary beginner Kata. Helped me a lot. Don`t use the mirror so much anymore, but it can stil be useful.
We train in a school hall so dont have the luxury of mirrors or mats :( Ive been to dojangs that have them though and Id love em to help perfect technique. I try use the windows at home during night time as best I can.
So what do you guys think about the mirrors in your school (if you have them)? Do you use them or do you think that they are just one more thing you can't throw your buddy into?

I know at one school I was at I got in trouble for looking into them during testing time. I even got caught looking in them when I honestly was not looking in them at all. If we were to get caught looking in them during our test our instructors would assume that we were looking at someone else to see how to do something, which put bad marks on us during the test.

But on the other hand I have been at a school that somewhat encouraged the lower belt to use them to watch the upper belts during a test. So how dose this situation roll at your school?

I have mirrors at the school I go to and yes, I use them. :) They're a great tool and can certainly help to fine tune your material.
I've never trained in a dojo that had mirrored walls.

If I did I'm sure that it would take a while to get over the dazzlement of seeing myself reflected back at myself - the human soul can ache from seeing too much beauty as well as too little :lol:. It would also be hard to resist an "Enter The Dragon" frenzy :D.

On serious note, we have commented in years gone by that a mirror to see for yourself the sword angles and postures you're using would be useful.

With the sword arts tho' there is the danger that the distraction factor of checking technique in the mirror could put you or someone else in harms way. Plus, it would be an impediment to the development of proper zanshin.

That last on it's own is a good reason not to have them actually.
On the first floor we have mirrors along one wall. I occasionally am able to check my body alignment if I'm moving toward the mirror. I've found I still have a problem squaring my shoulders after all of this time. :/ However, the mirrors give me the opportunity to correct my sloppy shoulders.

Most of the time, I have "martial arts eyes" - I'm not looking at myself in the mirror but intensely focused on the form, etc., that I'm doing.

I am glad we don't have mirrors on the second floor where we do most of our testing. I think mirrors during testing would be a huge distraction.
Mirrors, I can take them or leave them. I am not a big fan of them but they can at times help. However I do know they get broken in a CMA class from time to time :uhohh:.... not that I would have any direct experience breaking one
Personally I have found mirrors to help my overall body alignment, posture, etc....I think the next better step in self awareness is to video tape yourself.....
I can imagine there must be a certain degree of damage out there....as I have had diasarms send weapons flying into the wall...In my personal dojo I have no mirrors and do miss them but then by not having them it forces me to focus on me and not my reflection....
When I moved I made the decission not to have them to many student learn bad habit by watching themself and not concetrating on there body mechanic and relying on a prop to help them get though. I believe that poomsae or forms should be learned by proper body mechanicss and that should be started by yourself staying withen proper alignment that you can feel not see. Mirror are not part of competition at any level.
So what do you guys think about the mirrors in your school (if you have them)? Do you use them or do you think that they are just one more thing you can't throw your buddy into?

I know at one school I was at I got in trouble for looking into them during testing time. I even got caught looking in them when I honestly was not looking in them at all. If we were to get caught looking in them during our test our instructors would assume that we were looking at someone else to see how to do something, which put bad marks on us during the test.

But on the other hand I have been at a school that somewhat encouraged the lower belt to use them to watch the upper belts during a test. So how dose this situation roll at your school?

You get in trouble for looking into the mirrors??? WTH?? You should explain the reflective qualities a mirror has and its intended use in a ma studio,lol.

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