What did I see?


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Yesterday I spent a brilliant afternoon at a martial arts seminar for childrens charities, I met loads of great, friendly people, learnt a little Lau Gar,a couple of wrestling moves, some new SD techniques, watched a display of Gatka which was amazing and generally had a great time. However and I feel funny about writing this because it was for charity and the people concerned were genuine and nice people but a couple of techniques have me truly puzzled and frankly cynical.
They were from a group who say they train reality based SD, no reason at all to doubt them and they have some good simple techniques along the lines of the stuff we do but, and for me this is a big but, they did a demonstration of how to throw an attacker off without laying hands or feet on them...by chi power. Now what I saw was the sensei shouting at his student who then fell over. The 'attacker' cam close to the sensei and it was so fast I wouldn't swear in court that hands weren't used but they said thats what it was, frankly I don't believe in chi repelling attackers, I think a loud kiai in your face would cause you to pause for a tick but not fall over. They also did some pressure point stuff which 'stopped the attackers heart/KOd him' and they rushed to sit him up cross legged then slapped him on the back of the neck and rubbed his back. There were oohs and aahs at this from most but us cynics just kept quiet!
It didn't seem the place to question it tbh with it being for charity etc and as I said they guys were cool people and their techniques otherwise were solid. They lined us up ( it was the black belt group) and said they'd do a pressure point technique on us to show us how effective they are. We do some pressure point work in our club, my instructor is good at them but when on the doors etc won't bother too much with them when a solid punch is needed if you know what I mean? Anyhow, the guy pressed one of my chin and while it was uncomfortable it wouldn't have stopped me hitting him back, he looked disappointed then said he was only putting it on softly anyway. Ok, for the sake of peace I accepted that.
So the question is what did I actually see when the guy fell over after being shouted at? It wasn't done to any of us as I suspect it wouldn't have worked, I'm right aren't I? They said it takes 30 years to learn this technique. The trouble is they are very believable.
My instructor is still in Thailand so I'm going to have to wait to see what he says, he has far more knowledge than I have, it's not an area I know anything at all about but as these guys train with an American chap Dillman, though they are English I was wondering what you guys thought?
I can't reconcile the solid techniques they showed with what seemed to me to be 'magic' but I can't believe it works either, it goes against my logic.
Hello, Trust your "instincts" on this one...

Magic and other similar things..can fool lots of people...if there was a true Non-touch methods...wouldn't the rest of the world be practice it!

...NO such thing as secrets...or hidden techniques...IF there was? ...wouldn't our armies, police forces,FBI and other agencies have them?

Same for UFO's ...some believe in them? ..yet NO physcial proof...

The mind can be fooled....always trust your "INSTINCTS"

Aloha, ...only afraid of the ghostess...? Um ...and huge people too...
The thing is if I'd seen it on U Tube done by strangers I would dismiss it out of hand as fake but because I'd met these guys, and we'd been doing good solid techniques up till then I find it really hard to get my head around but I know it can't be true! It's playing on my mind because I don't want to think these nice guys were taking us for idiots!
Well I had an insteresting conversation with a local instructor in my area, he is a 10th Dan in Hapkido and an 8th Dan in Aikijujitsu & a has ranking in Tai Chi and Dim Mak. I was among 6 other guys at the "masters conference" (5th Dan & up) and among the topics was Dim Mak/Kyoshi/Pressure Point Strikes.

I heard some really out there "hadoken" explainations from people in other systems. When I said there were 4 kinds of Dim Mak and one is almost a lost form. I was laughed at until the 10th Dan spoke up (I can't remember his name for the life of me) & that was to ask the four kinds of Dim Mak; 1) Blood & Organ Locations, 2) Nerve Point Locations, 3) Acupressure/Acupuncture Merdian Locations & the almost lost fourth system of Bone Fracture Points (closely linked to amputation of limbs).

Basicly we learned from the only one who was trained in traditional Tai Chi Dim Mak that I was right on in everything I stated. I could have made up some bs but instead I told the truth, I know little to nothing of the actual arts but have trained with a few people who did and they showed me some stuff. I'm good at retaining information.

"Chi Throws" are simple power of suggestion type acts, think hypnosis or NLP. Basicly I make you think I will throw you and you react accordingly because you have been conditioned to believe it. Some with the "chi shouting" to stun an attacker its hardly different then stopping an attacker by yelling "Mother #@&%*$ Ima Kill You" psychologically throwing their projected assumptions of strength & weakness of their mental track.

As for the pressure point KOs; as someone explained to me the same points that cause the KO effect are the exact same as used in the Rear Naked Choke. That seems logical to me in that context.
I think that if you had asked them to demonstrate on you, that you would have been told it's too dangerous for someone who isn't trained to take that energy.

I think that the pressure point could have been done effectively enough to keep you from fighting back, without seriously hurting you, if it actually worked as advertised. I've been taken off my feet with a soft touch to my chin, it's a matter of using the touch to affect my structure and make me lose my balance. I would still have been able to get up and continue, if the appropriate controls weren't put in place while I was on the ground.

I also think you've been around long enough, and are knowledgable enough to know all of these things, and that you're being very nice by giving them the benefit of the doubt.

There is another option though, I know an aikido instructor who puts his techniques on new students hard and fast. After a while he doesn't have to any more, because they've all been conditioned to know that if they don't fall, they'll get hurt, so as soon as he starts his techniques, they fall for him. It doesn't work as well on people he hasn't taught.
Draven, thank you! I can understand shouting in someones face, as I said, as a distraction but unless one has horrendously bad breath, for the life of me I couldn't see how it would knock someone back. Up till then they did what my instructor does, uses an uke then shows you all how it should feel before you start practising yourself. for this they used one of their own which I can see by your explanation is why it 'works'.
I'm well aware of my lack of knowledge on a lot of martial arts so sometimes I feel stupid asking questions which I think everyone has the answers but me!
There was one other technique which I wanted to question, not so much how it works because I can see it would but why you'd do it in the middle of a fight. When doing multiple punches you make one 'stroking' movement to the attackers body, this fools the body so the next punch feels harder. I can see it fooling the body but why keep punching when you should be going for a KO and how can you do it when you are busy fighting?
I think that if you had asked them to demonstrate on you, that you would have been told it's too dangerous for someone who isn't trained to take that energy.

I think that the pressure point could have been done effectively enough to keep you from fighting back, without seriously hurting you, if it actually worked as advertised. I've been taken off my feet with a soft touch to my chin, it's a matter of using the touch to affect my structure and make me lose my balance. I would still have been able to get up and continue, if the appropriate controls weren't put in place while I was on the ground.

I also think you've been around long enough, and are knowledgable enough to know all of these things, and that you're being very nice by giving them the benefit of the doubt.

There is another option though, I know an aikido instructor who puts his techniques on new students hard and fast. After a while he doesn't have to any more, because they've all been conditioned to know that if they don't fall, they'll get hurt, so as soon as he starts his techniques, they fall for him. It doesn't work as well on people he hasn't taught.

I think it it hadn't been for charity and the organisers hadn't worked so hard to put it all together, they even had lunch for us, I would have said something and risked being mocked. It was a really good afternoon, I've had a peep at some styles I'd never have otherwise so on the whole it was valuable. If I'd paid money purely to learn and train I think I would have been more hard headed but perhaps others would have well, can't say for sure I would say anything, it would be quite brave to stand there and question it!
My instructor is good at pressure point work and has left us feeling the effects before but I know only a couple so I wouldn't waste time if attacked trying to see if I could get them on. I think you have to have learn to do them instinctively to make them work for you.
Old National Geographic video on Dillman:

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"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull ****" :lol:
"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull ****" :lol:

While it's new to me I can see this has been around the block a bit LOL!

It's a bit Emperor's new clothes too in that we are all standing around watching and no one wants to be the first to say 'well, actually....' plus being English we are frightfully polite lol! Everything they'd shown us before that worked because we did it on each other and I have a couple of bruises to prove it. It was impressive when the guy fell down because he really did fall down just as if he had been pushed even though I (we?)really knew he couldn't have been pushed by chi. the more I thought about it the more I didn't know what I'd seen, Still Learning's comment that everyone would be doing it if it were real went through my mind but there's always that 'but maybe' thing!
No one who pushes this kind of stuff has been able to replicate it on anyone other than a hand picked personal student. ie. someone who buy's into their brand of hypnosis. In other words Tez3 it just does not work and I will personally put up $100,000 if someone can make it work on me. However, of course they have to put up $100,000 too for when they fail! :)

watch this for laughs!

One of the guy's in the above clip is UFC's Stephon Bonnar!
It crossed my mind too that he had actually hit him in the solar plaxus because he was very close, frankly closer than I'd want an attacker to be before dropping him.
Thanks guys! I did wanted it settled in my mind before I told my instructor and he roared with laughter at me lol!
Brian, if you're that sure it'll do for me, cheers!
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No one who pushes this kind of stuff has been able to replicate it on anyone other than a hand picked personal student. ie. someone who buy's into their brand of hypnosis. In other words Tez3 it just does not work and I will personally put up $100,000 if someone can make it work on me. However, of course they have to put up $100,000 too for when they fail! :)

watch this for laughs!

One of the guy's in the above clip is UFC's Stephon Bonnar!

Hello, They do those techniques in "churches" too...and NO MA training....
believers...can be made to believe!

...be skeptical...be wiser...trust the instincts..(fantasy) is all around us...believers...are easy to get....real proof? is another thing...

as you get older and wiser? ...you get a mind that thinks more..because of many past experiences...

Aloha, ...getting older, and my mind...thinks less and less...?
Draven, thank you! I can understand shouting in someones face, as I said, as a distraction but unless one has horrendously bad breath, for the life of me I couldn't see how it would knock someone back. Up till then they did what my instructor does, uses an uke then shows you all how it should feel before you start practising yourself. for this they used one of their own which I can see by your explanation is why it 'works'.
I'm well aware of my lack of knowledge on a lot of martial arts so sometimes I feel stupid asking questions which I think everyone has the answers but me!
There was one other technique which I wanted to question, not so much how it works because I can see it would but why you'd do it in the middle of a fight. When doing multiple punches you make one 'stroking' movement to the attackers body, this fools the body so the next punch feels harder. I can see it fooling the body but why keep punching when you should be going for a KO and how can you do it when you are busy fighting?

To be honest the stroking the chest is a new one on me, I try to avoid the looks cool but is largely impractical show room stuff.
No one who pushes this kind of stuff has been able to replicate it on anyone other than a hand picked personal student. ie. someone who buy's into their brand of hypnosis. In other words Tez3 it just does not work and I will personally put up $100,000 if someone can make it work on me. However, of course they have to put up $100,000 too for when they fail! :)

watch this for laughs!

One of the guy's in the above clip is UFC's Stephon Bonnar!
Ha ha ha...he said that athletes were not susceptible to the technique. So his students are not athletes and don't even know how to counter the technique that a basketball player can do naturally. Ha ha ha ha...Also anyone one studying another MA won't have to worry about this either so what good is it really. Now that was proof enough for me. Guess all you need to do is jog a bit to be able to beat this technique.
Well I see Naruto do this all the time. Something about Shakra...teee hee he he...:rofl:
Tez - just do some searching around MT and the internet at large for Dillman and I'm sure that you will find plenty to explain things. :)
People make qi out to be this mystical magical force that can do mystical and magical things. Furthermore, hearing qi described as a radio wave is one of the most absurd assertions I've ever heard come out of a MAist.

I assert that Qi and the development/utilization of it in your daily life and MA life can impact both greatly, but it won't let you do this. Dianxue (点穴) is not what Dillman portrays it as, and is incorporated in almost every CMA I've encountered.

I have also trained with some extremely skilled Aikidoka that cultivated qi (to them ki) and where quite skilled at using it, interrupting it, leading it, etc. And non of them ever tried to throw a qi ball at me. Why? Because that is nothing more than wuxia myth.