What attracted you to your current school?

What attracted you to your current school?

  • convenient location

    Votes: 11 29.7%
  • the price

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • the instructor

    Votes: 21 56.8%
  • the art/style

    Votes: 17 45.9%
  • a cute guy/girl in the class

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • your best friend is there

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • other

    Votes: 2 5.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Master Black Belt
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Southern Louisiana
So...Why are you at the school you're at now?

Location! Location! Is it nice and close to you?

Was it the cost? (not as expensive as other places)

Were you impressed by the instructor? :asian:

The art/style itself? :ninja: :boxing: :jedi1:

Did you hope to meet the cute guy/girl in the class? :kiss: :ladysman:

Are you there because your best friend is?:cheers:

Did I forget a reason? :idunno:

I hopefully got the multiple voting option going.

Robyn :wavey:
I voted for location, instructor, and the art because the school is literally a 2 minute drive, my instructor impressed me very much with his skill and knowledge, and the art because I was intrigued by the different arts blended into one. :)
You're blessed to be so close to your school! It takes my mom and I, 30 minutes to nearly an hour (depends on traffic) to get to our dojo! :sadsong: We have one guy that actually drives about 2 hours to get to our class twice a week!:erg:

Robyn :asian:
I chose my instructor based on his teaching style, and the way the art is structured.

I've had several lessons elsewhere in different arts, but Tim's broken things down into the level it takes to get through my muddy-thought filled head even. :)

Plus, its fun,. :)
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
You're blessed to be so close to your school! It takes my mom and I, 30 minutes to nearly an hour (depends on traffic) to get to our dojo! :sadsong: We have one guy that actually drives about 2 hours to get to our class twice a week!:erg:

Robyn :asian:

Yea...It's definitely nice to be close. :) But I would drive 30 mins or even 2 hours if I felt the school, instruction, and art were worth the drive. Which in the case of the school I'm in is definitely worth it. :D
I picked this school because I could verify the instructors background who his instructor was, how long he's been teaching etc....

I would have to say, "the style" first. My brother had seen "The Perfect Weapon", and told me all about how impressed he was with the MA. I found out it was Kenpo, and that there was a Kenpo school near me (10 min. drive). I decided I wanted to try MA, thought that was pretty cool, and went down for lessons. I was impressed with the instructor (still am), and the rest was history.

So, I would honestly say it is a combination of things, but, ultimately, it was the style that got me hooked. One of those "I want to be like that someday" things.

I came to my current school because I transferred from my original school and Mr. Duffy was my original teacher's highest-ranking student.

And he had left "Chinese Kenpo" to become a First-Generation Ed Parker student and at this point I was after what Mr. Parker was teaching.

So both factors, the "proximity" to Ed Parker and his reputation made my decision for me.
When I fist started formal raining, in the Martial Arts, there was only a TKD school in the area, so I went there. At a tournament one time my wife asked a few noteable instructors how I could improve they said ‘ get another instructor” she asked who was the best and told them whe we lived they names two names , DR Daniel K Pai and sensei Chartier. I moved to the area of sensie Chartier and the rest is my Martial art history. 30 + years of study under the man.
Oh yea he was 120 miles give or take away I moved within 60 and would hich hike to the school and back in those days befor I finaly moved to the same town
I'm afraid that my choice wasn't originally rational...I just lucked out. First, met someone at a small college in Ohio who'd done kenpo...she introduced me to a friend in California who offered to teach me...after about a year and a half, I went where she told me to go...fortunately it was Larry Tatum's school in Pasadena, and I kinda didn't know I had other choices...and a good thing too, as it turned out.

In other words, accident, going with the proverbial flow, and sheer dumb luck.
Well.. i had little choice... my instructor knows where i live! If i changed schools, i would need to change my last name... and hide :hammer: I am not complaining... after seeing what else is around at the moment, this is where i would end up anyway.
Like it or not guys and gals. you would all feel just as lucky had you chosen the kenpo guys down the street. You now may never be happy any where else but you would be just as happy somewhere else if it were your first experience. You see I'm the luckiest guy of all. How can you be so fortunant if you don't train at my school?
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Like it or not guys and gals. you would all feel just as lucky had you chosen the kenpo guys down the street. You now may never be happy any where else but you would be just as happy somewhere else if it were your first experience. You see I'm the luckiest guy of all. How can you be so fortunant if you don't train at my school?
Provided they never go anywhere else and the instruction is quality.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Like it or not guys and gals. you would all feel just as lucky had you chosen the kenpo guys down the street. You now may never be happy any where else but you would be just as happy somewhere else if it were your first experience. You see I'm the luckiest guy of all. How can you be so fortunant if you don't train at my school?

Not so of course.
My cousin dropped out of his first school because it was like Basic Training.

And I decided not to pay $600/life to take TKD but to spend $600/yr to take Kenpo so the first place I walked into was not the one I was happy with either.

I am sure the $600/life for the Kim's Academy did not include the famously expensive Belt Tests, but how many tests could you take for $600/yr anyway?

Oh well. My friend joined that TKD school the same month I started Kenpo.

In 8 months I was promoted to Orange and he was promoted to Brown. He said he skipped some belts. He eventually got his black belt from them as well.
There you go, I knew it wasn't an urban myth about SOME TKD schools.

I chose my instructor due to:

1. His being a 1st Generation Ed Parker student.
2. I liked the way he taught seminars.
3. I liked and needed his focus on HOW you did it, not just what you did.

He was able to articulate and bring into a physical sense, HOW to move. He rocks! Tommy Burks is his name and if you are ever in the Dallas/Fort Worth area you should give his class a try.
I chose my school for the Art. It is 2 hours 30 min. away but worth every mile.
I chose my school for location, it's about 10 minutes from my house. Though now I stay for the instructor and the style. I have also taken a few lessons in another style that's closer to my house (I found him later) but I only go there occasionally.
I chose my TSD school cause they impressed me. I looked around at other schools, but they were a good pick.

I moved here and ended up in a sport TKD school. I didn't like it, so I looked around again. I chose this one because of the blend of arts, and the instructor impressed me. They teach so much more self defense here (that's why I took up MA in the first place). Location was definitely not it. I drive 40 minutes to get there! :eek: But it's worth it :D
Originally posted by karatekid1975
Location was definitely not it.

Roger that.
I have always driven 20-35mins to get to my school.
Location was never a huge factor.
I've even driven 80miles when I moved out of town for year or so.
Location is not a primary factor. What you want is.
I think this is an emerging theme so I chimed in again.