Well Done Boston LEOs


Master of Arts
Supporting Member
Sep 29, 2010
Reaction score
All I can say is that they did and absolutely incredible job.

Well done.

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I hope that sends a message.

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The way that the citizens of Boston opened their hearts and their homes to the victims also gave me some hope for humanity. All in all, a city that displayed the best of what we can be.
Multi-jurisdictional responses, a citizenry that cooperated with and contributed to the response effort, multiple first responders running toward the danger, officers sacrificing much to get the job done with one sacrificing all. It was a great effort and thank God successful. Wonderful effort and work.

I am sure that many lessons were learned on the job (the most difficult but most easily remembered time to learn) and many more will be learned during the through the debriefings.

These were two young men, who may have had some training but were never battle tested. There are those that have been hardened in war zones and culturally prepared to do much worse. Attacks around the world happen almost daily. That they will come to our shores is a given. While law enforcement officers, medical professionals, and other first responders will learn these lessons from this latest attack and hopefully up their game. It is my opinion that the ordinary citizen should as well. Get some medical training. Learn your neighbors names and get to know them. Seek some firearms training. This is a minimum.

Good job Boston. Now the work begins anew.

Brian King

Brian King