Tea Party member captured in Boston...


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Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Well, CNN, and the other democrat media outlets and commentators predicted that the bombers would be American, right wing, Tea Party types protesting tax day, celebrating hitlers birthday, and Patriot day and unleashing their violence against the government, so it came as a relief when one of the bombers was killed and the other captured...so now that the Tea Party bombers are finally captured...hmmmm...what....really? Chechenya? Islamic radicals? No...really? Not Tea Party? They had to be at least protesting tax day...right? No...hmmm...

Never mind.

(On a side note, in much the same way that the shooting at Fort Hood, though carried out by an islamic radical terrorist was redifined as a "Work Place Shooting," the bombing in Boston at the Boston Marathon that killed 3 people and wounded and maimed close to 100 others, carried out by radical islamic terrorists...has now been reclassified as an act of "Street Crime." Please carry on with your day...Thank you.)
On a side note...be sure to see the new Robert Redford, Shia Lebouf movie...that glorifies the weather underground...you know...domestic terrorist bombers from the 1960s...since domestic terrorist bombers are so heroic...or something...
A look back at the pundits who accurately...errrr...inacurately, predicted who the terrorists would be...


“It was tax day,” he said, “Is it someone who was pro-?”
Axelrod quickly cut himself off before continuing on and stating, “You just don’t know. And so, I think, his attitude is let’s not put any inference into this.”

The Left, however, has branded the Tea Party as a violent and racist movement. Progressive commentators — including Michael Moore and Chris Matthews — were quick to place blame for Monday’s tragedy on the Tea Party.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/04/19/a...arathon-suspects-idd-as-muslim/#ixzz2QyHn2IwB

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/04/19/a...arathon-suspects-idd-as-muslim/#ixzz2QyHeN0Hj
Here is a look at the crimes that were blamed on the Tea party/conservatives/right wing/opponents of the left, that were comitted by everyone but those groups..

In the case of Sparkman, the accusations were just Another Failed Eliminationist Narrative. And the Eliminationist Narrative would fail time and time again:

We can now add the Boston Marathon Bombing to the pile. The wild speculation that there was a Tea Party or “right-wing” connection proved false.
It turns out two Muslim Chechens apparently inspired by jihadist videos and ideology turned on the country which welcomed them with open arms.
Just another Failed Eliminationist Narrative, for which there will be no apologies.
Here is a good list of shame...but the democrat media never has to say they are sorry...


NPR’s “All Things Considered” aired a segment in which the tax-subsidized network’s counterterrorism reporter, Dina Temple-Ralston, declared: “April is a big month for anti-government, and right wing, individuals.

National Journal’s James Kitfield wrote: “The timing of the attack on ‘Patriot’s Day,” which coincides with the April 15 deadline for filing federal taxes, suggests a possible link with right-wing, antigovernment extremist groups.” Kitfield quoted an expert Philipp Mudd, who claimed “right-wing extremists . . . have been growing in numbers and power in recent years.”

• A CNN.com article by Tim Lister and Paul Cruickshank asserted without evidence that the use of pressure cookers in bomb construction is “a recipe that has been adopted by extreme right-wing individuals in the United States.”

• The day of the bombing, MSNBC aired an interview with Adam Lankford, a criminal justice scholar, who said of the bombers: “We don’t know whether they’re trying to complain about abortion, about taxes. This did happen on tax day in Boston, the place of the Tea Party. Or are they trying to protest, you know, foreign wars or something?”

Those who scoured Tea Party rallies for signs of racism had no qualms about blaming Sarah Palin for the shooting of Rep. Gabriel Giffords or Rush Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City bombing. Recall how ABC’s Brian Ross incorrectly suggested there might have been a link between the shooter in the Aurora, Colo., theater killings and the Tea Party.

Timothy McVeigh, to take one example, was omnivorous in his nuttery, his political and religious views all over the map, with interests ranging fromArea 51 to what he viewed as U.S. war crimes during Operation Desert Storm. But Bill Clinton blamed the allegedly incendiary rhetoric of his own political opponents for McVeigh’s crime, and then on the fifteenth anniversary of the bombing updated his remarks to suggest that Tea Party rhetoric was a likely source of terrorist violence.
I'm already seeing the tin hatters calling the Boston incident a false flag/conspiracy...I can't figure out what the "Pentaverate" is supposed to gain through the whole thing however.

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I'm already seeing the tin hatters calling the Boston incident a false flag/conspiracy...I can't figure out what the "Pentaverate" is supposed to gain through the whole thing however.

I'm seeing lots of nonsense about police state, fascism, martial law, etc. I keep asking people who say this stuff: You do understand that these guys were SETTING OFF BOMBS, right?
This is related in that when a liberal group uses "rhetoric," to cast on opposing group in a bad light...and then a leftist acts on that by going to that group with the intent to kill it's members...it becomes "Never Mind...Nothing to see here..."


Family Research Council (FRC) officials released video of federal investigators questioning convicted domestic terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins II, who explained that he attacked the group’s headquarters because the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified them as a “hate group” due to their traditional marriage views.

“Southern Poverty Law lists anti-gay groups,” Corkins tells interrogators in the video, which FRC obtained from the FBI. “I found them online, did a little research, went to the website, stuff like that.”
The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard reported that Corkins, who pleaded guilty to terrorism charges, said in court that he hoped to “kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in victims’ faces, and kill the guard.” As Bedard explained, “the shooting occurred after an executive with Chick-Fil-A announced his support for traditional marriage, angering same-sex marriage proponents.”

Left wing violence...never examined...always forgotten...

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