

Blue Belt
May 19, 2005
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Somewhere in USA
ehh this may sound alittle stupid, lol but, I train alot with 5 lbs ankle weights, well im not a guy who believes in wasting time, so I started putting them on, and keeping them on, all day long, i put my jeans over them, and I wear them constantly, is that good? will that help legg speed, and strength? or am i wasting time? lol


Depends on what you are doing with them on...

If you are kicking the air a lot you should stop as this is not at all good for your knees...
no, not really, I mostly walk, in them, and some knee lifts, like right now at my computer in my chair, I can raise my knees, is that bad?
Laborn said:
no, not really, I mostly walk, in them, and some knee lifts, like right now at my computer in my chair, I can raise my knees, is that bad?
No walking or knee lift or calf raises should be fine, I would do it every other day instead of every day through. Remember every circumstance has consequences in the long run. Knee's are a terrible thing to waste.
Terry Lee Stoker
Were you can get into trouble is when your doing excersises were the foot is rapidly moving in relationship to your knee. Examples: knee extensions, and kicking. The reason is that your knee may not be able to stop the foot where it should before injuring the knee. Keep it slow you should be O.K.
One thing I've started working on at times is kicking in foot gear. Problem is that the extra weight tends to want to hyperextend the knee, so some kicks work better than others (roundhouse and fron kick being probably worst...sidekicks, backkicks and pushkicks seem safer). Also kicking against a firm target (heavy bag) helps
If you wear them day in/day out you are going to build up muscular efficiency and eventually it will stop making you get stronger. If you want it to be effective only wear them in spurts. Don't let your muscles get used to having them on.

There is also a chance of you developing joint deterioration with long term usage.
I tried weights to improve my sidekick. Was just doing about 30 doubles-low/high slow but that really screwed up the ligaments on my knee. Don't do those with weights. I think I used 4-5 lbs. TW
Laborn said:
ehh this may sound alittle stupid, lol but, I train alot with 5 lbs ankle weights, well im not a guy who believes in wasting time, so I started putting them on, and keeping them on, all day long, i put my jeans over them, and I wear them constantly, is that good? will that help legg speed, and strength? or am i wasting time? lol


I tried that once. Produced nasty looking bruises, so I stopped. I've gotten way better (and faster) results with squats, running and other lower body exercises than I have with ankle weights etc.
Knee and ankle joints are designed to cushion impact.

Ankle weights actually force the opposite effect of pulling the joints apart.
A better investment would be a weight vest or belt.
If you're using the ankle weights for leg lifts at your desk,thats ok.
Walking occasionally...that would be somewhat ok as well.
Kicking with ankle weights.......baaad. Even occasionally.
Big time no-no.
......"water on the knee".......:erg:
You have received a lot of good advice here. Listen to what others have to say.
I talked with my instructer tonight about this, he said that it will rip your knees, if you extend it, but it wont harm them if you keep the legg bent, he said to practice with weights on a bag, so the bag will stop your kick, not your knee, he trained in korea and he used ankle wqeights he said for 10 years.

My point is I dont know who to believe, him or you guys lol

I think you should seek the advice of an orthopedic surgeon, personally. Ask them what ankle weights do to knees - especially when kicking and whatnot.

Now, I have heard of people using shoelace weights, but I can't see where they'd be much more help, except to take some of the damage off the knee and put it on the ankle.

... yeah ... talk to a surgeon ....
Laborn, I've found that, personally, my highly uninformed opinion agress with your instructor's. I don't put ankle weights on but I use my sandles and sometimes kick against a bag like that. The bag keeps me from hyperextending my knee because it's hard to control the kick properly if you are juct kicking air. I tried doing kicks with weights before and it was an unnatural movement because I was tensing up too much and too early to prevent my foot from flying too far for my knee to handle.

My motivation for doing it, though, is not strength, just self-defense. I practice heavy bag kicking in the same footwear that I would have on outside the house. So it's to make sure I can do it.

If you want some leg resistance without the danger of hurting your knees, I sometimes use those rubber resistance tubes. Anchor it to a solid anchor and put it around your anke and try your kicks from there.
Andrew Green said:
If you are kicking the air a lot you should stop as this is not at all good for your knees...
Look at how many kickers have hip replacements! But if you're just walking, I don't see the danger...but, I am not a physician (I just play one on the Internet). Ask your family physician the next time you're in for a check-up!
Laborn said:
I talked with my instructer tonight about this, he said that it will rip your knees, if you extend it, but it wont harm them if you keep the legg bent, he said to practice with weights on a bag, so the bag will stop your kick, not your knee, he trained in korea and he used ankle wqeights he said for 10 years.

My point is I dont know who to believe, him or you guys lol

Unfortunately a lot of good instructors have no idea about the best and most efficient way to improve conditioning in TKD. They just pass on the knowledge of their instructors withouth bothering to look up recent studies. Wearing ankle weights whilst kicking will eventually damage your joints - fact. If you want to improve the power of your kicks, you need to kick a heavy bag or kick with bunjee cords. If you want to improve your overall leg strength (and your knees) useful for TKD do squats and deadlifts with heavy weights and low reps.
If you are looking for speed and power in kicking you might want to look more into, Resistance Bands or Ripp Cords.. Century Martial Arts Supply has many nice ones. The Weight on your ankle will hiper extend you knee in kicks and pull on your hips while walking or other activities.
Laborn said:
I talked with my instructer tonight about this, he said that it will rip your knees, if you extend it, but it wont harm them if you keep the legg bent, he said to practice with weights on a bag, so the bag will stop your kick, not your knee, he trained in korea and he used ankle wqeights he said for 10 years.

My point is I dont know who to believe, him or you guys lol


If you absolutely insist on getting your training routine from Dragon Ball, go for a weighted vest over ankle weights.

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