Was wondering


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
I was wondering what truely is self defense? Is it really that important in this day and age? How come if it is not allot of people are doing anything to better themself? I would think major companys would be offering program to help the general employees know what is the best possible way of learning effective methods to help them, also why is it almosy all retailer have there employee parking way out in the back where there is nobody ther to help if anything happens does this not need to be address? I am sorry aster listening to many people say what am I really doing because in this day and age I do not need it?
I was wondering what truely is self defense?
To be able to go back home. This may or may not involve a confrontation. Learning to be aware and avoid the confrontation if possible.

Is it really that important in this day and age?

How come if it is not allot of people are doing anything to better themself?
Human nature. Maybe also because of Newton's First Law.

I would think major companys would be offering program to help the general employees know what is the best possible way of learning effective methods to help them, also why is it almosy all retailer have there employee parking way out in the back where there is nobody ther to help if anything happens does this not need to be address?
Not sure how many corporations that pay minimum wage care about their employees. Doctors that work in hospitals get to park near their work. Retail workers have to park far away so that the customers can park closer. At the malls here in Los Angeles, the security guards will escort employees (also customers) to their vehicles. I am not aware of many companies (outside those that require security) that teach awareness.

I am sorry aster listening to many people say what am I really doing because in this day and age I do not need it?
Muggings, rape, murder will always happen to someone else and never themselves.
With the number of lawyers out there, sniffing around for a chance to sue a large corporation, I can understand why corporations don't teach their employees self defense. Imagine: Billy gets attacked on way to his car parked in the south 40, seriously injures or kills his attacker, the attacker or his family sues the corporation because if they hadn't taught Billy self defense, the attacker would still be alive/unhurt.
Billy gets attacked on the way to his car parked in the south 40, sues his employer because they taught only Tae Kwon Do, and not Kenpo, or Aikido.
Self-defense is doing whatever it takes to protect yourself against the threat of harm. It is just as important now as it has ever been.

Why don't more people take their safety seriously? Because the majority of people, if they've ever even thought about it, live their lives in denial..."that's not going to happen to me." Furthermore, even many/most of those who do claim to train for self-defense have an unrealistic view of what real violence entails.

As far as employers, they don't care...their profits are the only things that concern them.
In life you have victims or survivors. Victims, think that this or that will never happen to them. And if or when it does, they are looking for someone else to help them. Survivors, live in reality, and make themselves aware of their surroundings, prepare, and are willing to depend totally on themselves, if need be. Employers or companies, are run by these same two types of people above, and act accordingly. Bottom line, "prepare yourself".

Most people are so busy doing their own thing they don't even give it thought as for self defense.

Virtually ALL my co-workers do nothing in that regard. No training, no foresight, no awareness. I’m the only one who practices martial arts, combat shooting, reads up on various self defense techniques (armed and unarmed), and goes to schools on my own dime.

So if most people don't think about it, why would businesses think about it? After all, it is not their problem, but the customer's. And the customers don’t give a hoot.

Its the comfort of denial. That cozy little bubble in which violence is habituated. People in general are stupid, only because they are distracted with things that dont matter. ...wether its big wigs or little wigs its all the same. People dont think there is any danger and will deny it even when it is right in thier face. I have been in situation in which people needed to be saved but couldnt bring themselves to want to be...
People have given up thier freedoms and liberties in exchange for what can be purchased or downloaded and really have no sense of survival.
90% of the skin bags grazing the planet could care less about "self defense" becuase they gave that job to someone other than themselves...they dont know who, but someone, anyone but them.
It only matters to those that it should matter to, those that are in a position to use it to protect and preserve.... Few can don the selfless coat of a civilian sheepdog and once the decision is made thats it... just becuase one makes the choice that doesnt mean ever sheep needs to be bitten...in fact, one may never have to injec thier fangs at all for the duration of thier watch as most often a confident snarl will suffice.
I could spend my entire life snarling at scumbags and never have to sink my teeth in them...that does not diminish the significance of our position one bit.
Better to have and not need than to need and not have...regardless of what the cattle think they need us more than we need them.

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