Waiter prevents rape attempt

Wow. Good for him! I think he has a point about raising awareness. It would be nice if bartender's and waiters/waitresses were taught to keep an eye out for such things. I'm glad the guy got caught.
"I'm just a guy who saw something, and did what was right....nothing heroic"

The only thing said that I disagree with.

Sir, THAT is the definition of a hero. Well done! :asian:
"I'm just a guy who saw something, and did what was right....nothing heroic"

The only thing said that I disagree with.

Sir, THAT is the definition of a hero. Well done! :asian:

Well said, well said!!!!
Yes he is a hero!
Not only did he do the right thing but he spotted it! Then he acted upon it! Good job!
:asian: Props to this waiter, he did the right thing and quite possibly saved that woman's life.
its good to see normal people going above the normal reactions. I am glad it all ended well.
Well done! It's great to see that there are still people out there willing to take action when they see the opportunity to help other people.

Kudos to that waiter! We need more people like that in the world.
I quite agree with everyone (unsurprisingly).

The waiter did a good deed indeed and in a better, quieter, way than I would've done. Id've asked the chap what he was up to which would probably have caused a scene and meant he'd've had the opportunity to leave before I thought of getting the police involved.

Good morals and quick thinking - nice combo.
Excellent work indeed.
Ticks me off that this jerkoid (the customer ok?) was doing this and was one of those people who meet people off of internet dating sites... because it makes the rest look bad and therefore harder to trust. Way to go fella! Hope your cell mate is a big guy named Mongo!
"Hero" isn't the right word. It is so overused in any event as to be just another 4 letter word.

A signally rare trait in the modern era was what saved this woman. That man who prevented this attack had to: CARE.

These days, so few do.
Glad to see that there are still people that don't move through the world with blinders on..Bravo..Well Done..

Jade Tigress said:
Wow. Good for him! I think he has a point about raising awareness. It would be nice if bartender's and waiters/waitresses were taught to keep an eye out for such things. I'm glad the guy got caught.

Amen Jade..
Good man and good job. I hope they put that SOB away for a good while and he meets Big Bubba while he's in, he'll think date rape.
2 thumbs up for a great job!!! Its sad that you can't even go out to have a good time, without someone looking to cause trouble.
yep !! good job he did... and sounds like he is not getting sued either!! depending on where you live that is unfortunately all to possible... but koodoes from me for acting, and I hope he benefits from it, as after all he did go that extra mile to do a good deed!
yep !! good job he did... and sounds like he is not getting sued either!! depending on where you live that is unfortunately all to possible... but koodoes from me for acting, and I hope he benefits from it, as after all he did go that extra mile to do a good deed!
Well he could've gotten sued if he was badly mistaken or thought that he saw the man mickey the girl's drink and the police test found out there was nothing... but since the man was arrested and is in deep trouble it'd be pretty stupid for him to try to sue the waiter for wrongfully accusing him of trying to be a sleazebag.
He did the smart thing and managed to keep the drink so that it could be tested for drugs which lead to him helping the woman.

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