Veteran Tribute cut short by mindless driver.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
A few weeks ago Charlie Peters set out on a cross country trip with a mule drawn wagon as a tribute to Veterans.

Now his journey came to a screeching halt, as a teenage driver slammed into his wagon, killing his mules. Luckily Mr Peters only received relatively minor injuries.

The driver was texting behind the wheel.

A grand man Charlie is, he asked his followers to say a prayer for the young lady.
Not sure if I would have it in me.
A few weeks ago Charlie Peters set out on a cross country trip with a mule drawn wagon as a tribute to Veterans.

Now his journey came to a screeching halt, as a teenage driver slammed into his wagon, killing his mules. Luckily Mr Peters only received relatively minor injuries.

The driver was texting behind the wheel.

A grand man Charlie is, he asked his followers to say a prayer for the young lady.
Not sure if I would have it in me.
Distracted driving is an epidemic right now. I see people daily weaving all over the road messing around wtih their phone while behind the wheel. Like seat belts, laws won't change anything until their's a sea change in our social tolerance and acceptance of the behavior.
While the gentleman was gracious enough to ask for prayers, I don't feel that generous. I think that gal needs to pay the price.
Under the law she just did property damage, but those were living creatures...the man could just as easily been killed.
It is sad that we need to pass laws to cover stupidity...
While the gentleman was gracious enough to ask for prayers, I don't feel that generous. I think that gal needs to pay the price.
Under the law she just did property damage, but those were living creatures...the man could just as easily been killed.
It is sad that we need to pass laws to cover stupidity...

I would hope that the driver was cited for reckless driving, as well as damage to property. I would assume she should receive points and fines at a minimum. Her insurance company will pick up her liability, although they will probably fight it first. I'm guessing she will see an increase in her premiums. I hope Mr. Peters truly wasn't injured beyond the broken ribs. Hits from the rear carry great potential for long term injuries.

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