Vee Jitsu Te

Vee Jitsu (Vee Jitsu, Vee Arnis Jitsu, Vee Jitsu Te, Modern Vee Jitsu) is a modern system developed in the 1950's by Professor Florendo Visitacion, often affectionately refered to as Professor V (or Vee). He had connections to Judo and Jujutsu associations, as well as FMA groups, and the claims are that he spent years studying different martial arts, and came to the realisation that a single system isn't always required, but that aspects of many can be used.

His expression of this was Vee Jitsu. The name is taken from his own name (Vee, from Professor Vee), the term Jitsu is used, rather than the correct Jutsu to indicate art, Te refers to hand, and implies technique, and obviously Arnis is from FMA, most commonly refering to arts associated with Remy Presas. Interestingly, both Visitacion and Presas were associated with Wally Jay and his Small Circle Jujitsu in the early 50's, so there is probably a deal of influence there. It's thought that the various names for the system were used to show different stages of it's development as Visitacion continued to train in whatever he could, and gained knowledge.

Visitacions tactics are based in survival skills, and using little effort. Off-shoots include Sanuces Ryu Jujutsu, Ju Kido Kai Ryu Modern Vee Jitsu, and Kumite Ryu Jujutsu.
As Chris so thoroughly explained it is one of the many off shoots from Professor Vee. We even have at least one member here Brian Johns who trained with him and in one of his systems. Maybe Brian will check this out in time and give us an even more in-depth analysis!
You may also want to check out some of their clips on youtube. Some very good stuff, IMO. Very effective, quick, to the point, no BS material. :)