varify promoting stat



can you promote up to the same level as another or do you need to be a 3rd
The general rule of thumb is 1 or 2 grades lower than yourself, assuming promoter has reached black. Some require a 3rd since that is a "head instructor" in the EPAK rankings, it sort of works out to be the same thing.

That depends on what organization you belong to, if any. Different organizations make their own rules. If you belong to their organization, you follow their rules. If you are independent, you make your own rules.
jbclinic said:
can you promote up to the same level as another or do you need to be a 3rd

Its going to depend on the school/org. that you're part of. Every school that I've been in, its been 2 ranks above.

Depends on the system/school. Because we can become instructors at our school below BB, the rule is that you can't teach any student less than two belts below your rank. As for promoting, we use at least two instructors at the test for orange belt and more than that for higher ranks. At the test for blue belt and above, there will be a number of BBs present.
Hello, In our system, All Instructors can promote everyone up to brown belt. Everyone has to complete a list of things in each level to accomplish. All their records are sent in to the Professor and must get his approval before rewarding those students belts.

For Black Belt testing: Done twice a year, In Las Vegas at the Annual Seminar in June and in Oahu-Hawaii , August,up above Pearl City,(It is a hike and test in the forest clearing). I did it for my Ist Degree.

All testing is done in front of the Professor and his many Chief Instructors.
Usually about 4 hours long. Not always the same....our Professor sometimes make changes as we are testing. (Always be prepare for the unexpected.) If you pass your Black Belt it is awarded at the very end of the testing.

Testing at the Seminar: We have training for three days. For those who are testing in the evening. (4 hours) usually finish by mid-night.....Aloha
In NCK only adult black belt instructors can promote students. This also goes with the "within-2-rank" rule. So a Shodan couldn't promote a student to 1st kyu, but a Nidan could.

All students must test in front of a board for dan rank. All of those on the board are at least Sandan.

Hope this helps.
Promotions as not black or white thing but, they can carry weight. When an instructor promotes his student, he includes the weight of his rank, reputation, and lineage.

When promoting someone to your own rank, that removes a great deal of weight from the promotion in many peoples eyes. The same can be said if the instructor has a bad reputation and/or questionable lineage.

One of the reasons for a review board is to add weight to a promotion.