USAT bah humbug


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Well since the USAT Nationals I have heard nothing but complaining. Since I was not there I need to get a better picture of things. MY BB who was refereeing said they was about to walk out because of the news. I knew this was coming but Damm how is it that Jean and Jaun can control everybody players and pic a team? Does it not say in the IOC that there must be a fight off? I mean now it is about who you know and who's *** are you going to KISS to get your players noticed. I was told the judging was fix not by referee's but by coaches and I was told that if you do not have 10,000 to 20,000 to spend on camps and such you have no chance, this is out of control once again. When will we ever have a level playing field? How cana few control so many? When will instructors and students of the sport stand up and be heard?

I know Zachary and my school will stay with AAU, fair competition and I have told him to forget about the Olmpic dream that he has had. We do not live in a country where fair play is tought and people are judge solely on talent but instead based on your pocket book. I am so tired of the USAT doing whatever they like and the Moreno and Lopezs are your only hope?

In closing if antbody has more info they like to share please do, I speak for those like me that are truely disgusted by the USAT and what they have become.

P.S. this is solely by way of people I know and trust and what I have heard from second partys if thing are not that way I have the right to chnage my mind and still not like USAT because of personal issues.

Have a great and wonderful life.
This is one of the reasons I left TKD originally back in the 90's.

Yep, you are correct Terry. One of our black belts is also a D1 ref and it is true that they were about to strike during the tournament. I told them not to strike but to show their force by all showing up 2 hours late to the tournament. They decided not to do anything at this time. To bad because the head of the refs association tried to get this no team trials issues discussed in a committee meeting and got shot down. They did not even want to discuss it. What crap is this?

Don't worry to much though as to many people know about it now and as word spreads they will have no choice but to reverse their decision. Just keep spreading the word.

There is no way a few coaches can have all the power. This is called corruption. It will change.
This is one of the reasons I left TKD originally back in the 90's.


I have stayed with TKD because it is a good art for one self and body but the politics are getting the best of me lately.
Yep, you are correct Terry. One of our black belts is also a D1 ref and it is true that they were about to strike during the tournament. I told them not to strike but to show their force by all showing up 2 hours late to the tournament. They decided not to do anything at this time. To bad because the head of the refs association tried to get this no team trials issues discussed in a committee meeting and got shot down. They did not even want to discuss it. What crap is this?

Don't worry to much though as to many people know about it now and as word spreads they will have no choice but to reverse their decision. Just keep spreading the word.

There is no way a few coaches can have all the power. This is called corruption. It will change.

I can only hope so, you know we was going to Austin since it is only a two hour drive but damm when people was talking a few months ago about this **** we decided to stay with the AAU. Fair play is always good for both coaches and players. I hope one day they can get it right. Until then we are just up **** creek without a damm paddle.
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I can only hope so, you know we was going to Austin since it is only a two hour drive but damm when people was talking a few months ago about this **** we decided to stay with the AAU. Fair play is always good for both coaches and players. I hope one day they can get it right. Until then we are just up shitcreek without a damm paddle.
Yes, it feels like we are. I know that my son and daughter will be really upset if things don't change. All that time training since 4 years old and to not even have an oppertunity would be beyond frustrating. Think about all the money spent also. I know my kids want to go to Korea and train in a few years too, and to not have the chance to compete would not be a good thing.

Plus I am a level 1 coach going for my level 2 and to have a few coached take my fighters from under me or you and everyone else is also unfair to us coaches. I have watched Jean coach and he does nothing special. At this level we all know about the same things so why them? The fighters at the top level don't need much coaching as it is. It is not like they are color belts or new black belts.

Frustrating is an understatement.
ATC you are right my kids have been training since they could walk, man I believe Zach was kicking before he was walking :uhyeah:. I know Jean and you are right there is nothing they do as a coach that you or anybody being in the MA could not do. I have been training people for over thirty years and have a great track record for competition, so know I am on the sideline looking in and wondering what about me and my players. The AAU has the Junior team and also has introduce a caddet team for the players that are 10-13 and they get extra training anf focus about the international game. Right now my money is with them because they still care about the athlete and the coaches. I hope you have a chance to look them over and see what they are doing for everybody and maybe one day the IOC will let there athletes compete and then the game is on.
The AAU has the Junior team and also has introduce a caddet team for the players that are 10-13 and they get extra training anf focus about the international game. Right now my money is with them because they still care about the athlete and the coaches. I hope you have a chance to look them over and see what they are doing for everybody and maybe one day the IOC will let there athletes compete and then the game is on.
Yes I will have to get more involved with the AAU. From what I hear they seem to be doing really well.
We have some students at our studio who have been competing [mostly in USAT] for years and they're still young but with a lot of ambition to be Olympic athletes. I can't believe the arrogance USAT is demonstrating with something like this. They do not own Taekwondo.
We have some students at our studio who have been competing [mostly in USAT] for years and they're still young but with a lot of ambition to be Olympic athletes. I can't believe the arrogance USAT is demonstrating with something like this. They do not own Taekwondo.

They believe they do. Just goes to show you have money make team, do not have money forget you.
Mine and their master is going to be pretty upset himself. He's invested a lot in the USAT... as have so many...
Mine and their master is going to be pretty upset himself. He's invested a lot in the USAT... as have so many...

We all had time invested in them and USTU but they do not care for us no money.
Apparently my master knows Juan... not that he has any influence of any kind whatsoever. Though he's convinced it will get overturned.
Apparently my master knows Juan... not that he has any influence of any kind whatsoever. Though he's convinced it will get overturned.

Ya I know Jaun and Jean, but this is not hetting overturned. The USAT will not even let itbe brought up for decussion.
Well I guess we can hope herds of master uprise and demand change because honestly I have never been so happy with the USAT.
Well I guess we can hope herds of master uprise and demand change because honestly I have never been so happy with the USAT.

So are you saying you are happy with them and if so what makes you happy? I know I want what is best for the fighters and an even playing field for all competitors.
I still cannot see how this affects anyone but the top players in the US. Why is this unfair and to whom?

So are you saying you are happy with them and if so what makes you happy? I know I want what is best for the fighters and an even playing field for all competitors.

Sorry I guess I worded that wrong.
I have never been, and am not now at all happy with USAT...
I still cannot see how this affects anyone but the top players in the US. Why is this unfair and to whom?

Because it closes the door for hopeful top competitors, whether you see it that way or not...
I still cannot see how this affects anyone but the top players in the US. Why is this unfair and to whom?

Yes. It is a silly issue. At least it spares the people involved the bother of having to fix matches.

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