US won't accept Falklander's rights to self determination


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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For the 'freedom lovers' out there who won't accept others have the right to self determinatuion. They rant about Britain's 'colonialism' but on the hand won't support the Falkland Islands right to be independent. I assume they want the Islands handed over to the Argentinians so they can be an Argentianian colony. what price freedom eh? I hope they will support the Falkland Islanders when they take their guns and head of to fight the invading Argentinians again after all isn't it better to die than be held captive? when the Falkland Islanders go down fighting I do hope right minded Americans are pleased, it's the way to go, no?
Aye, a sad state of affairs laid open for all to see on the international politics playing field. We couldn't get any help the last time the Argentinians got belligerent and that was during the Maggie and Ronnie 'love years' - what chance have we got of the American government lending a hand these days with an administration in power that does not care for us?
I can't see what this is all about. It is total BS. The Falkland Islanders have in the past expressed the wish to remain independent under the crown. End of story. The Argentinians have no more rights over the Falklands than Australia has over New Zealand. That is none, zero, zip or like. For the US to suggest that they are neutral and that Britain and Argentina need to work it out is crap. The Falklands have been British for nearly 200 years. The Spanish have a greater claim than the Argentinians and the Dutch would have a greater claim to Australia.

Suck it in Princesses .. 'returning' tha Falklands to Argentina ain't gunna happen anytime soon! <ends rant>

I mean no offence but...

Speaking as one from the US...I have no idea what you are talking about...and I pay attention to the, although I do not doubt this is going on and I do believe the Falklander's have the right to say who they want to be in charge in the is a US government thing... I think.. actually I am not even sure about that.... and apparently not much of a news story here....actually I am actually much more concerned about the statement from the president about Iran and its nuclear weapons program as well as Benjamin Netanyahu most recent statement on the subject
No offence taken!

Your new Foreign Secretary has just visited us and has reiterated the American stand on the Falklands, he still wants the UK and the Argentine to 'talk' over it instead of allowing the Falkland Islanders to decide for themselves what they want.
Pretty much exactly the point, Xue i.e. despite us raising it on here a few times, the people of the ally we have given support to time after time have no idea that anything naughty is happening in the South Atlantic ... again.
Pretty much exactly the point, Xue i.e. despite us raising it on here a few times, the people of the ally we have given support to time after time have no idea that anything naughty is happening in the South Atlantic ... again.

And am I at fault for this...or is any other average US citizen?

Do you, the people of the ally we have given support to, have any idea that anything naughty is happening in the US or its protectorates?

I am not trying to argumentative here I am just trying to say that we are all pretty much dependent on the news for info and if they do not report it none of us know anything about it. And at times the news we all trust is a real good tool of propaganda….even in the US that guarantees the freedom of the press, although many here will tell me I am wrong, but sadly I am not. Also take into account most news companies today are more big business that news organizations and sponsors are much more important than actual news.
I made sure that I referenced the government as being where the 'fault' lies rather than the people, dear fellow. After all, if you are not told, how can you know?
I made sure that I referenced the government rather than the people, dear fellow. After all, if you are not told, how can you know?

Now wait one cotton picken’ minute here....don't start using that British code language on me :D

Please allow me reiterate...I am not trying to be argumentative and I should also like to add that I am not targeting or aiming at anyone poster here. I am merely trying to discuss, understand and be understood. Sorry if I have upset anyone.

I shall kindly bow out before things go bad :asian:
I try to keep up with world events but admit that I missed this one.

That being said, you can not rely on mainstream media to report anything "newsworthy" and you must seek it out. Luckily, we live in an age where all the information in the world is right at your fingertips!
I do believe that some posters here on martialtalk did mention that this was going to happen because of our President's views of Britain...don't worry though, it will get worse long before 2016 comes along...imagine when kerry goes before the U.N. and denounces Islander and British claims...or tries to get sanctions against Britain...
Secretary Kerry: Our position on the Falklands has not changed. The United States recognizes de facto UK administration of the islands, but takes no position on the question of the parties’ sovereignty claims thereto. And we support cooperation between UK and Argentina on practical matters, and we continue to urge a peaceful resolution of that critical issue. And I think that’s exactly what our position has been, that’s what it remains, and we look forward to the future.

Typical political double-speak. We support the UK but we don’t support the UK?

Interesting how Obama, once the “European darling”, has fallen from grace. Just who are our “friends” these days anyway?

Do we have any left?
I think America could find themselves increasingly isolated from the rest of the world, the UK has the Commonwealth for support, a good part of the world is looking to China and India as having the 'new' money. Business corporations are finding China 'friendlier' than before.
We also have the EU, we may squabble and argue with them but with them being on our doorstep and in many ways having more in common with them we could look to them more than we do the US if the US turns it's back on us.
I wouldn't say that Obama was so much Europe's 'darling' more than his predecessor was universally derided here as well as being considered dangerous, anyone succeeding Bush would be greeted gladly. I think Americans underestimate how disliked Bush was.

To be fair. Isn't Canada a colony of Brittain?

I don't know our official policy, but I do know being neutral in international affairs is fine line to walk. Latin America has a lot disdain for us for a number of reasons. The US getting involved down there would likely add fuel to the fire.

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To be fair. Isn't Canada a colony of Brittain?

I don't know our official policy, but I do know being neutral in international affairs is fine line to walk. Latin America has a lot disdain for us for a number of reasons. The US getting involved down there would likely add fuel to the fire.

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Good grief! Canada isn't a colony! We don't actually have any colonies any more.

It's not the being neutral that's a problem it's the refusing to accept the Falkland Islanders wishes for a referendum for independence that's causing concern here. The Americans have their independence so why so keen to ignore the Falklanders wishes? By ignoring the Islanders America isn't being neutral but accepting the Argentinian's idea that the Islanders should be left out of any discussions which clearly isn't going to happen. The wishes of the Islanders must be paramount, if America can't understand that then many feel America doesn't treasure their own independence enough to want to see others have theirs.
Maybe they'll find oil there... wool just isn't as profitable.

Hint: Argentine President Kirchner isn't anxious to reclaim the Falklands because of their sheep.
Typical political double-speak. We support the UK but we don’t support the UK?

Interesting how Obama, once the “European darling”, has fallen from grace. Just who are our “friends” these days anyway?

Do we have any left?

I don't see that as double talk. I see it as as trying to hold a neutral position.

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