Update: Manong Ted Buot

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
Reaction score
The information is in the general public now.

Manong Ted Buot of Balintawak, had a stroke on Saturday the 17th. He was rushed in early, and while in the hospital had a second stroke.

Sunday he was removed from the Critical list and is still in intensive care. Yesterday the physical therapist had him up and walking the halls with a walker. There are no signs from the tests yet, all are negative, more tests will be run. There is a possible cause, but I will not speculate in public on that until it is confirmed or denied by his doctors.

I have volunteered to be a single point of contact for the family with the Martial Art Community. As the Family gives me updates, I will be contacting his students, and some of them are my seniors first, for a personal phone call. Being single and able to receive calls at anytime and able to call people and not worry about the time involved, I volunteered. This is only to relieve the family of this additional time, so they can communicate with the Family and close friends of the family.

If any cards or gifts are to be sent, you can send them to me and I will deliver them to the family to give to Manong Ted.

Send to:

Ted Buot
C/O Rich Parsons
1248 Arrowwood Lane
Grand Blanc Mi 48439

I will do my best to keep everyone informed.

Thank you Rich. I met Ted a year or 2 back. Very nice man. I hope he gets well soon.
I am probably the most junior student of Manong Ted and I will say that I have only met a few people who are as wonderful as he is. God bless you, Manong, and godspeed for a full recovery.

Your student,
Dan Anderson
Mr. Buot was very warm and generous to me when I met him. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I have had a couple of contacts from people who were not scheduled to see Manong Ted because of the Holidays. I know the family was only calling those immediately effected, hence my idea to volunteer to contact people. I have not received the complete contact list as of yet from the family, so if you see this note drop me a PM or e-mail and I will add you onto the list I have for know.

*** Speedy Recovery ***

Best regards
I talked with Manong Ted this morning. He was finishing up his Breakfast. He was tired, yet recovering. I talked to his daughter this afternoon, and apologizes for not having the list to me yet. I told her not to worry, we will work it out in the next few days.

Manong Ted is listed as Stable and under monitor. This means they are still testing and watching him.

God Speed Manong
Hoping for the best. I have never trained with Manong Ted, but I see the impact of his work in the evolution of several of my friends.
I was recently informed from anothe student that Manong (GM) Ted Buot has been moved to just Stable, and not Stable and Monitored. This means that in the next week or near future he can be moved from ICU (* Intermediate Care Unit - which allows visitors and such *), to general population within the hospital. This is step forward in his recover, as from there he should be allowed to go home.

Thank you everyone for your best wishes and kind thoughts.
Glad to hear that things are improving. Hopefully the recovery will be speedy.:asian:

Well I guess I should have waited a few more hours to post. :)

The Doctors have moved him to a new room this morning in general 'population'. The reports I have heard is that he seems to be in good spirits, yet still very tired. And obiously still recovering.
Manong Ted has been moved back to Intensive Care (ICU) versus Intermediate Care. There is no bleeding, just that the lining of the Brain is still swollen and they want to have hourly reports and checks.

Otherwise as expected he has good days and bad days.

Keep thinking positive thoughts.
I have not seen Manong Ted in over a week. I have had a bad head cold, and to avoid any possible viruses being added into the risk factor Ihave staid away.

Although I do have good news, he has been moved back to General admit in the Hospital.