up coming tkd events in michigan?


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
I am very big into open sport karate tournaments and enjoy them alot. :partyon: but there seems to be less and less in michigan any ways just wondering if any one knows of any tkd events here cause i like to may compete in a few
hahah yea i come down state alot i compete right now on michigan sport karate league and stuff traviling is no problem i just moved to gaylord like 5 months ago and have alot of family and freinds down state i won grands in fighting in flint about 2 months ago
Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Flint, Lansing, Ann Arbor and of course the Detroit metro area have tournaments. I believe Master Shinn's Great Lakes Cup will be the next tournament for WTF style TKD in Lansing, MI. Traverse City and Midland may also have tournaments.

Try the AAU website for both Karate and TKD tournaments.
Here are some upcoming Taekwondo tournaments:

Saturday, May 7th-11th Annual Governor's Cup-Hartland High School. This is hosted by Master Yong Sup Kil. For further information go to www.kilstkd.com

Saturday, June 4th-Great Lakes Cup-Lansing Community College (this is Master Steven Shinn's event). For further info see www.shinnstkd.com

Saturday, June 4th-Great Lakes Cup-Lansing Community College (this is Master Steven Shinn's event). Miles do u think you will be at this event? i am thinking of going is it olypic sparing or point?
Great Lakes Cup is WTF style /Olympic Style and so is Master Kil's Tournament.
TallAdam85 said:
Saturday, June 4th-Great Lakes Cup-Lansing Community College (this is Master Steven Shinn's event). Miles do u think you will be at this event? i am thinking of going is it olypic sparing or point?
TallAdam85, no, I can't be at the Great Lakes Cup-first time I've missed it in years. My son's high school graduation party is that day. I will be at the other event I listed however. Perhaps I'll see you there?

I maybe a year late on this information about Michigan TKD events.

But the Michigan CUP which is held in Kalamazoo annually, in the month of September. Which was just held last week-end, unfortunately.

A very good tournament event.

Look forward to it next year then.
Welcome to MT Terryowl!

Yes, GM Chung had his tournament Saturday. I did not attend, having traveled across the state to Kzoo the previous Saturday for Ms. Theresa Lee's tournament (3 students-1 first place-14-15yr old boys BB sparring, 2nd place 16-17yr old boys BB sparring and 2nd place white belt 7yr old sparring). Had a great time!

Upcoming events are:

GM Ronald Rose' tournament-10/14 in Taylor. See www.kickstkd.org for details.

Sr. Master Chris Covert's tournament is usually the first or second week of November. He'll be handing out flyer at the above event.

Sr. Master Chris Covert's tournament is usually the first or second week of November. He'll be handing out flyer at the above event.Miles

Professor Chris Covert (USCDKA 7th Dan) has his tournament (Olympian Chung Do Kwan Taekwondo) scheduled for Saturday, November 4, 2006.

He sent me flyers, and I plan to attend (maybe I'll even compete this year! :ultracool ). They will be using the "Non-stop Sparring System" (most likely WTF rules), with color belts being two - 1min. rounds, and Black Belt Eliminations two - 90sec. rounds.

If you need more info on that one, PM me!

CM D.J. Eisenhart
Professor Chris Covert (USCDKA 7th Dan) has his tournament (Olympian Chung Do Kwan Taekwondo) scheduled for Saturday, November 4, 2006.

He sent me flyers, and I plan to attend (maybe I'll even compete this year! :ultracool ).

:) Last Fearner, when did he get promoted?

I plan on being in Cleveland that weekend for Sr. Nationals-had a great time there in 2001. My CFO (i.e. wife) may nix the trip though, and if so, I'll definitely be in Garden City.

This Professor Chris Covert. What College or University is he affiliated with? What academic discipline does he teach? If he is a Professor I assume he holds a Ph.D in a particular area. Does anyone know what it is?
The tournament is not "sponsored" by GM Sell, but rather his student.

As far as the term "professor", it's a title conferred by his instructor. Other martial artist to have used it include Wally Jay (Small Circle Ju-jitsu) and Salem Assli (Savate).

This Professor Chris Covert. What College or University is he affiliated with? What academic discipline does he teach? If he is a Professor I assume he holds a Ph.D in a particular area. Does anyone know what it is?

I don't know that Mr. Covert doesn't hold a Ph.D in anything, but he may be called professor for another reason:

From http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Professor
4. an instructor in some art or skilled sport: a professor of singing; a professor of boxing.

From http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/Professor
Main Entry: pro·fes·sor
Pronunciation: pr&-'fe-s&r
Function: noun
1 : one that professes , avows, or declares
2 a : a faculty member of the highest academic rank at an institution of higher education b : a teacher at a university, college, or sometimes secondary school c : one that teaches or professes special knowledge of an art, sport, or occupation requiring skill

Just for fun link:

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Larionov

Игорь Николаевич Ларионов
As far as I know, the title "Professor" is used to denote someone possessing an advanced degree in an academic field. Teaching martial arts does not qualify you to be called Professor, unless you happen to be a College-level teacher in a certain field. My Instructor is 9th Dan in the World Tae Kwon Do Federation. He has never referred to himself as Professor, and we have never addressed him that way.
But I digress.
Teaching martial arts does not qualify you to be called Professor, unless you happen to be a College-level teacher in a certain field.

Quite frankly, I find your repeated challenges of Professor Covert's title to be disrespectful, and a bit narrow minded. When you say, "teaching martial arts does not qualify you to be called a Professor," that is your personal opinion and should be stated as such. Your profile says that you are a 4th Dan in Taekwondo. I find it hard to believe that, after this many years in this field, you have not encountered many instructors from various organizations who use this title. This concept could not be new to you, so it is apparently something with which you personally disagree.

Professor is often used in a variety of Martial Art instructorship programs, not just Taekwondo, and it is not something that is only correctly used pertaining to college professors. My instructor was at the rank of 7th Dan a few years back, and held the title of "Professor Smith." Now he is 8th Dan Grandmaster Alvin Smith. In a couple of years, I might be eligible to test for 7th Dan, and upgrade my instructor level from Chief Master to Professor. I would hope that other Taekwondoists would show the courtesy, and respect of any rank or title bestowed on a fellow Martial Artist by their Grandmaster.

It is true that many WTF or Kukkiwon affiliated Grandmasters do not use this title, but many do. Sr. Grandmaster Edward Sell (Kukkiwon 9th Dan) has decided to structure his U.S. Chung Do Kwan instructorship ranks with certain titles. The title of "professor" is one of them. By some of your comments, it appears that you have had a bad experience with Sr. GM Sell, or at one of his tournaments. That is fine, but I hope you do not choose to come here to bash him or his organization. He has legitimately earned his degrees (including the 9th Dan), and I feel he deserves the respect of his credentials, and life-time achievements in Taekwondo.

Question: What does a 9th Dan call himself?
Answer: Anything he wants!

So, what does a 9th Dan call the instructors under his leadership? Anything he wants. Sr. Grandmaster Sell chooses to issue the title of professor of Taekwondo to his 7th Dans if they pass the instructorship test, so who is to say that he is wrong? Personally, in my opinion, I concur that the Taekwondo title is of an equally legitimate value to any College professorship if the requirements for such a title are of a high standard of Taekwondo education. Sr. GM Sell has a very high standard for the instructors in his organization.

Chief Master D.J. Eisenhart

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