Uniforms and supplies


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
I'm looking for a heavyweight uniform, decent quality, dark green. prefer 14 oz brushed cotton, but that's a preference, not a requirement. Does anyone know where I can find something like this for less than $100? The company I usually get my supplies through ( www.tigerstrike.com ) doesn't carry green, and the places that I've found that do carry green, its like some half green half black team uniform or something like that. I just want a plain old japanese style heavyweight gi in green. I know they exist. I've seen them at tournaments, but nobody can seem to remember where they got them. can anyone help me out here?
I did some browsing around here, but couldn't look too heavily into it because I'm in a rush, but you may want to have a look through these and see.


If I have some spare time, I'll meddle through them ^_^

(if all else fails, I suppose you could buy a white uniform and dye it, hehe)
Just wondering why do you need green?

Also, just a thought, couldn't you buy a white one and dye it green???
I need green because everyone else wears black, white, red, or blue. My studio wears mostly red uniforms, but personally, I HATE red. I won't buy anything red, because I won't wear anything red. I like blue, but its kinda boring.

I thought about dying a white one... i actually tried it with an old one... however, the green dye never came out dark enough, even after doing it a few times. it always looked too pale, easter bunny green. There's just something wrong with mixing pastels and karate. LOL.
There's just something wrong with mixing pastels and karate. LOL.

Hehehehe! ^_^

You could always try dying a blue one, it might come out a deeper green.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

I need green because everyone else wears black, white, red, or blue...

Wow... what art do you practice? Kenpo?

You Americans really are... colorfull... :)
yup. kenpo.

hmmm.... I didn't think of dying a blue one... I wonder if I'd have to dye it green or dye it yellow?
Hmmm, I imagine if you dye it green, it'll come out more pine-ish, deep blue green. If you dye it yellow, it might come out more olive-ish. Of course, I really have no idea what I'm talking about x_x maybe you should do an experimental dye on a small part of the material or something.
I''ll see if I can get a cheap lightweight blue one to practice dye on. I can dye the top with green and the bottom with yellow, and see which one looks best. Then I'll toss that one (or just bleach it to white) and dye the real thing.

Do your dojo have a website with training pictures or anything so I could see all those coloured gi's?

Here in the far north (Sweden), I've yet to see a gi that is not white, black or blue... (of which the latter two only is used in Ninjutsu and judo)... but I've understood it's far more common in the US.
no website yet... I'm working on that one.

I want the green gi for tournaments only tho. Green top and black pants.

In the studio, I wear solid black (except for the brown belt of course, but hopefully that will be black too sometime in the future)
Try useing a dark green with a touch of navy blue and a touch of black. it may be darker than you want but it will fade with time
Originally posted by nightingale8472

I'm looking for a heavyweight uniform, decent quality, dark green. prefer 14 oz brushed cotton, but that's a preference, not a requirement.

Well I knew I knew a site that sold really unusual uniforms and after a bit of a hunit in my bookmark collection I located it.

Special Design Karate Uniforms

Check near the top of the page there are five little tabs right under "Special karate uniforms" showing the other five pages.

Unfortunately no Green uniforms. Nearly every other one though. (I'm partial to yellow and have my eye on a couple of them) Some of them might even rival KenpoProfessors famous TieDye Gi. :eek:

I have no idea what the quaility is like but I thought you might find an alternate idea for a gi here.

Regular clothes or material dye is crappy on brushed cotton.
You just need a specialty dye. I've been reading your thread,
and each time, trying like heck to find the name of the company
I USED TO know that had brushed cotton dye .. it was something
Arizona-ish .. like possible Arizona, or Yuma, or Cactus dye. :rolleyes: I used to work at a western wear store, and there
was a LOAD of brushed cotton all over .. shirts, jackets, dusters,
etc. We had to do our share of dying brushed cotton, lemme tell
ya! I'll go back to that store this weekend sometime and see if
they still sell the dye. If they do, I'll check for green ... like forrest
green, lime green, what? .. if they do have the product, but don't
have green, I'll get the company name.
I stopped by today, they didn't have it, sorry. I'll call around to
some of the other western wear stores on monday.
Have you looked in the century catalogue? I saw Green uniforms but they also had on them too.

I saw a solid green uniform with a black back to the top, that might be what you've seen around.

Hope that helps.
Actually, I talked to the guy who had the uniform I saw. He'd dyed one and told me how to dye the brushed cotton so the dye stays in... let the uniform soak in the dye for a few days. Don't follow the package directions, just pour the water and dye in a tub and let it soak until its the right color. if you follow the directions and dye it in the washer, it doesn't sit in the dye long enough for it to penetrate the brushed cotton fabric. Then wash it in salt water to set the dye.