TX Law VS NY Lawyer

Yeah, I did some time at Fort Hood during my time in the Corps, but really. I mean really. Fort Hood. Bleah.

And now I recall the River Walk was in San Antonio instead of Austin. My bad.
Never did anything bad enough to get sent to Hood. ;) I was at Goodfellow between DLI at the Presidio in Monterey and my first PCS to LeJeune.
Yeah, I did some time at Fort Hood during my time in the Corps, but really. I mean really. Fort Hood. Bleah.

And now I recall the River Walk was in San Antonio instead of Austin. My bad.
River walk is nice, I saw part of it last year. Hippy Hollow is in Austin. Who can argue with a nude beach in the state capital? LOL

A man went to a brain store to get some brain to complete a study. He sees a sign remarking on the quality of professional brain offerred at this particular brain store. He begins to question the butcher about the cost of these brains.

"How much does it cost for engineer brain?"

"Three dollars an ounce."

"How much does it cost for programmer brain?"

"Four dollars an ounce."

"How much for lawyer brain?"

"$1,000 an ounce."

"Why is lawyer brain so much more?"

"Do you know how many lawyers we had to kill to get one ounce of brain?"
Bob, your outdoor photography skills would be freakin' amazing in the west Texas desert. There's tons of stuff out there that you'd never see with a quick glance that someone with a camera actually looking could spot... and the sunsets/rises in the desert are beautiful.
When you realize just how badly Texas sucks, you can remember I told you so. Just trying to help out.

Sucks acording to whose needs/wants?

I went down in May and found it perfect.

Just about the most 2nd Amendment friendly state in the country which is mandatory for me.

No winter which is mandatory.

I can actually LIVE on one income down there which is mandatory.

By the end of 2 more years I'll have enough saved to buy a foreclosed home outright(which is mandatory) in a NICE part of TX, and then once I own that I OWN the land it's on(which is mandatory). Up here? Those 2 trees in my front yard? Only just over 10 feet from my front window? Those aren't "mine" they're the town's. Piss on THAT idea.

Idiots, racists and religious nuts? Well guess what, we have too many up HERE too.

All other things? Anything not mandatory is forbdden.
I've lived all over, and worked in every state of the US except Florida, Idaho, Montana and the Dakotas. All had something to recommend them, something that I found quite nice about them. Texas, not so much. I liked the River Walk in Austin. Otherwise...

Florida is awesome. Idaho, Montana, and the Dakotas suck... unless you hate trees and love waist-high snow 9 months out of the year. If I never see another snow flake it'll be too soon!

Ever set up a NDA in the middle of a blizzard when it's so cold the moisture in your nose freezes? ....fun stuff...NOT!
When you realize just how badly Texas sucks, you can remember I told you so. Just trying to help out.

Getting a lot of transplants from California, New York, PA, and Michigan these days to Texas. Fine with me, everyone is welcome. But please don't bring your old state's laws with you!
Getting a lot of transplants from California, New York, PA, and Michigan these days to Texas. Fine with me, everyone is welcome. But please don't bring your old state's laws with you!

When Californians came to Colorado, they ruined the place. However, Texas cannot be ruined, so I guess you're safe there.
Sucks acording to whose needs/wants?

I went down in May and found it perfect.

Just about the most 2nd Amendment friendly state in the country which is mandatory for me.

No winter which is mandatory.

I can actually LIVE on one income down there which is mandatory.

By the end of 2 more years I'll have enough saved to buy a foreclosed home outright(which is mandatory) in a NICE part of TX, and then once I own that I OWN the land it's on(which is mandatory). Up here? Those 2 trees in my front yard? Only just over 10 feet from my front window? Those aren't "mine" they're the town's. Piss on THAT idea.

Idiots, racists and religious nuts? Well guess what, we have too many up HERE too.

All other things? Anything not mandatory is forbdden.

Okey-dokey. Growing up in Colorado, I had my fill of Texas and Texans. But hey, I guess if they stay in their own state, that's probably fine.
Funny, That's the same thing the cop said to me when I pulled a Jersey slide through a stop sign and said "I slowed down", to which he replied " If I was to hit you with my nightstick would you want me to slow down or stop"

"Thanks officer, point taken"

I've lived all over, and worked in every state of the US except Florida, Idaho, Montana and the Dakotas. All had something to recommend them, something that I found quite nice about them. Texas, not so much. I liked the River Walk in Austin. Otherwise...

The River Walk is in San Antonio. Austin is much nicer, IMO.

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