TSA At Sporting Events?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Seems that the NFL wants better security (presumably after several incidents at their stadiums) and now want pat downs of all who enter the huge arenas.

In an attempt to improve safety at games, the NFL wants teams to give full pat-downs to all fans entering stadiums during the 2011 season.

USA Today reports that the league issued a memo to teams before the season requesting that pat-downs from the ankles up be administered to the 17 million fans who are expected to attend games this season. Previously, pat-downs from the waist up were suggested.
An NFL spokesman told the newspaper that fans should expect longer waits to enter the stadiums but asked for patience for both the delays and the more-invasive process.
If these measures would do anything to improve fan safety, patience and understanding could be expected. All it will do is create the illusion that things are safer. This isn't an airport. There are no metal detectors or body scanners to serve as deterrents. Security is a guy in a yellow jacket doing a perfunctory, three-second pat-down. If you want to sneak something in, it's not hard to do it.


In the past, if you've ever wanted to bring any banned item into an NFL game you'd be fine so long as you're not holding it in your hands, having it stick out of your pocket or carrying it in a bag. There will be equally-easy ways to get around these new rules. I don't want to sound macabre, but if somebody wanted to do something awful at an NFL game, an ankle up pat-down isn't going to stop them. Nor will these prevent drunk idiots in the stands from getting in fights. How about more policing of belligerent fans rather than subjecting the masses to meaningless pat-downs?

Read more: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/sh...-give-full-pat-downs-to-fans-a?urn=nfl-wp7243

True it's not Transportation but TSA was the first thing I thought of when reading the first few lines of this article.
Makes me wonder how long before this spreads to other venues. I know they sorta-kinda do it at (popular) music concerts, (heaven forbid at the operas or symphonies - oh how annoying :rolleyes: ) but will we start getting pat downs at the entry way to malls, zoos, museums, amusement parks?
How are we going to win the war against Terror if we keep changing our ways because of fear?
Seems that the NFL wants better security (presumably after several incidents at their stadiums) and now want pat downs of all who enter the huge arenas.

True it's not Transportation but TSA was the first thing I thought of when reading the first few lines of this article.
Makes me wonder how long before this spreads to other venues. I know they sorta-kinda do it at (popular) music concerts, (heaven forbid at the operas or symphonies - oh how annoying :rolleyes: ) but will we start getting pat downs at the entry way to malls, zoos, museums, amusement parks?
How are we going to win the war against Terror if we keep changing our ways because of fear?

Great a new round of junk emails with pictures of how folks dress AND get felt up at Walmart. Ugg can this crap get any crazier?
Is this about security....or is this about revenue? If you bring in your own booze, you're not as likely to buy the overpriced "adult beverages" at the stadium, correct?

Methinks this is a post-labor-strike canard to throw at the team owners -- the NFL will propose more invasive search procedures to make it harder for the fans to cut in to the stadium's profit.
Seems that the NFL wants better security (presumably after several incidents at their stadiums) and now want pat downs of all who enter the huge arenas.

True it's not Transportation but TSA was the first thing I thought of when reading the first few lines of this article.
Makes me wonder how long before this spreads to other venues. I know they sorta-kinda do it at (popular) music concerts, (heaven forbid at the operas or symphonies - oh how annoying :rolleyes: ) but will we start getting pat downs at the entry way to malls, zoos, museums, amusement parks?
How are we going to win the war against Terror if we keep changing our ways because of fear?

My wife and I have gone to shows and concerts at the casinos here in CT, and each and every time, we're patted down and they ask my wife to open her purse. What are they searching for? LOL...not a clue. Can't possibly be cameras, because during the shows, I'm constantly seeing flashes. Besides, the majority of cell phones have picture and video capability. Only thing I can think of is weapons and alcohol. Well, I dont carry a gun or knife, and I'm not bringing in alcohol, so....search away..LOL.
Is this about security....or is this about revenue? If you bring in your own booze, you're not as likely to buy the overpriced "adult beverages" at the stadium, correct?

Methinks this is a post-labor-strike canard to throw at the team owners -- the NFL will propose more invasive search procedures to make it harder for the fans to cut in to the stadium's profit.
Good point. Kind of reminds me why I don't go to the movies very often. Used to be able to take in your own drinks or munchies. Now you have to buy it at 5 times the cost of the grocery store.
Is this about security....or is this about revenue? If you bring in your own booze, you're not as likely to buy the overpriced "adult beverages" at the stadium, correct?

Methinks this is a post-labor-strike canard to throw at the team owners -- the NFL will propose more invasive search procedures to make it harder for the fans to cut in to the stadium's profit.

You don't think it will "cut into their revenues" when more people decide that going to the game is too much of a hassle, and stay home instead?