Transporter 3

Who cares? Anything with Jason Stratham in is wonderful lol! Drool.......
The first one is still the best, I agree, but 3 beats number 2 to pieces.
Still, hope there's a fourth. Statham is one of the best ma actors out there right now.

I liked both movies but I thought I heard it reported that the 1st 2 bombed. Why would a third get funded? Someone must believe in him very much. I agree his skills are very good. I was disappointed with the movie with Jet Li. It could've been an incredible fight scene at the end, instead of gun play. Last was "In the name of the king" another bomb. (it doesn't even get 1 star on cable's rating system--I like it though!)
The first one is still the best, I agree, but 3 beats number 2 to pieces.
Still, hope there's a fourth. Statham is one of the best ma actors out there right now.


Yea: Statham does some great fight scences. I really like most of his stuff.
Haven't seen it. Yet, being the main theme. However, It will be hard be hard to beat the bus garage fight scene in Transporter I.
Don't worry--there's a garage fight scene in this one too! Some of the fighting is more stylized--I think they dropped frames (intentionally)--but it's still cool.
Haven't seen it. Yet, being the main theme. However, It will be hard be hard to beat the bus garage fight scene in Transporter I.

That's one of my favorite fights scenes. It's the best fight sequence out of all three Transporter films too.
