Training music?


Green Belt
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Monterey, CA
Do any of y'all listen to music while training? I personally listen to alot of either calm, soothing music (Like tai chi-esque stuff), or symphonic metal, depending on the type or intensity of training. I especially like that song Vode An by Jesse's a battle chant from Star Wars.

Anyone have any favorites?
When we do listen it needs to be reallyfast and has a great beat for the workout.
At class we have a tape of some traditional Chinese music playing in the background. I find it very unobtrusive in the way it weaves in and out of my conciousness. I love getting carried along by it when doing the conditioning exercises, but otherwise it tends to get pushed aside by other demands on my attention.

When training by myself, i have a couple of mixed CD's i like to play, depending on my mood. I have a fairly hard, driving one that i get out for bag stuff and heavy workouts and a softer, more flowing one for forms training. Other favourites would include Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, the Code 46 soundtrack (top film!), Kiva, Radiohead, Ravi Shankar, Underworld, !!! (chk chk chk) and Mark of Cain. If i need to work out some mega-frustration i might just whack on some Fear Factory too.

I often wonder about the effect of the music on my training - it's such a natural thing to tap yr foot to the beat - i'm aware that i don't want to have my timing subtly dictated to. Sometimes i deliberately observe the interaction between the timing of my forms and the music, which is interesting. At times i feel as if i'm swimming through the sound, going with it, now going against it - and there is a definate "drag" when i have to speed up a section of movement beyond the tempo of the music. Anyone else notice this kinda thing?

One thing i tried that most definately didn't work out - playing a Capoeira CD whilst training ba gua! Talk about the ministry of silly walks!
Much like you, either classical/new age type stuff....or symphonic metal/speed metal. Depends on my mood and goals.

One time, my brother and I made a mix tape, had 10-15 second snatches of various types of music. Everything from the Muppet Theme Song to seven bar blues to Anthrax's cover of Pipeline. The idea was to train and change our rythm and aspect to match the speed and/or tone of the song.

Really interesting training, that was.
When lifting its rock or metal..When in class I listen to Sensei...
I have favorites for different activities (including silence).

One of my favorites for Hyungs by my self is the Sound Track from Last Temptation of Christ (Peter Gabriel) and old punk for sparring. (well, now I am dating myself)

I have let the teens in the class select music (gotten everyting from salsa to symphonic) with the only caveat that it be appropriate for all students of all ages.

The acoustics of dojang often dictate if we listen to music or not.
Usually I don't train with music but on on those days I feel lazy. I always start with the song 'Mission' by Rush - the lyrics help me get focused.

Iron Maiden 'Piece Of Mind', Disturbed 'The Sickness' or a fast techno mix while training.
In my classes, I allow music for the stretches, warm up, cool down. I turn off the music for the remainder of class, to many distractions can cause accidents.
Techno is always good. But for really intense work outs metal or rock bands. and sometime alternative music.
I typpically keep cd's of Eagles, Josh Turner, Roy Orbison in the player and let them play at will...when I am working out alone...During partner sessions I don't play anything...
MEGADETH!!! Lol. I like metal but not much for symphonics, ballads and softer/slower stuff. I like the faster thrash metallica songs like eye of the beholder, leper messiah, for whom the bell tolls...
I love some hard hitting rap (shhhh!) like Xzibit, DJ Quick and a few Tupac songs but prefer instrumental versions. When in class, nothing.
i help a fellow bb at another dojo where we listen to music, usually college rock or rock from the 90's as long as its up beat
Do any of y'all listen to music while training? I personally listen to alot of either calm, soothing music (Like tai chi-esque stuff), or symphonic metal, depending on the type or intensity of training. I especially like that song Vode An by Jesse's a battle chant from Star Wars.

Anyone have any favorites?

Only at home--Sometimes, I start singing along.

My faves: KISS, RENT soundtrack, Judas Priest, Queen, Twisted Sister, the Rocky Horror Show OBC soundtrack(the revival), AC/DC
I just experienced training with sound tracks form MA movies for some reason unknown I love the mortal combat sound track right now lol.
I like the idea of music while working out, but, I either obsess about having no rhythm or am distracted by the music, so I opt for silence.

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