Training in Shanghai

For the OP, I would give these recommendations personally for Shanghai area. To better serve your inquiry what part of Shanghai will you be staying?
As it would be much better to find somewhere closer rather than far away as Shanghai is pretty massive!

Try Long Wu International Kung Fu Centre, they also teach Wing Chun (Yong Chun)

Check this program out for short term Summer programs relating towards Internal arts:

Check out Peter Hsu for more Wing Chun:

Also check out a guy named John Xue for teaching Sum Nung Wing Chun in Shanghai.

Hope these options will work for your schedule.
Also to note: the Simplified would be 师 as opposed to 師. And 父 still being the same alongside 傅.
Also for the OP, if your ever in the Shandong area you should check out a Shifu Li Guo Cheng. I've personally trained with him & can attest to his awesome skills! I'm hoping to go back & finish my training in the near future but he's worth checking out on another trip perhaps ; )

He instructs in Wu Xing Tong Bei Quan, Xingyi Quan, Bagua Zhuang as well as Yang Taiji Quan.

Good luck & safe travels!

I did not see any pinyin or much English written anywhere and when I was last there, but that was before the Olympics, I am told there are more English signs there now.

When I was there in '01, I actually saw English almost every where I went except in Chen Village. Even then there were a few signs... like Chen Changxing's house where Yang Lu Chan learned Chen taiji. BUT... there wasn't any sign to point to the village, Chinese or otherwise. Wenxian nearby had English signs. I've even got a pic of a PBR table shade at a bar in Lhasa. However, the proliferation of English language signs wasn't anything like I saw from Beijing over the summer though. Most of the large highways had English road signs & such.
Shanghai is preparing for Expo2010, so there are more and more english signs here, including wrong words or wrong expression.^-^
When I was there in '01, I actually saw English almost every where I went except in Chen Village. Even then there were a few signs... like Chen Changxing's house where Yang Lu Chan learned Chen taiji. BUT... there wasn't any sign to point to the village, Chinese or otherwise. Wenxian nearby had English signs. I've even got a pic of a PBR table shade at a bar in Lhasa. However, the proliferation of English language signs wasn't anything like I saw from Beijing over the summer though. Most of the large highways had English road signs & such.

Now that you mention it I did see some street signs in English and some signs at tourist places but absolutely none at the bus stops or in many of the places I went to, but then I was going place with my wife. Although I did find myself in a Star Bucks there and I don't remember any English signs (other than Star Bucks) and I was once in a McDonalds (out of curiosity) and I was marveling at all the menus in Chinese, same with KFC and my sister-in-law took me to a pizza hut, thinking I’m an America so that must be where I want to go, and there was no English there at all… and it was a rather fancy sit-down type restaurant with doormen. But I didn’t see any Pinyin in any of those places

It is my understanding that, since the Olympics, there are a lot more english signs

Thanks alot for the answars - im from Denmark and knows only little chinese.
I've been training for 14 years in various arts - so i should be able to know whos a fraud and whos the real thing.

Elsewise, what do you think about teaching over there - you think it would be possible? I mix alot of my stuff into what I like and what fits my body if i could teach and also train that - then it would suit me perfectly - since i think its very hard to find a master over there, who will teach someone who has no relation to him nor his style, and or doesn't speak their language.
what do you want to learn from masters in shanghai?
if you want to gain sth. of CMA, i think you'd better to empty your bowl firstly.
as you said, the language is a big problem, because most of masters who have a good kong fu, are middle age, they don't know english at all. some of them don't speak mandarin either. it will make your communication is tough.
another suggestion for you: visit public parks in the morning.many gread masters like to spend their time there.
"i think youd better to empty your bowl first"

Thats good advice from ggg214

Very best wishes