Training Bag


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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Anyone out there besides me carry a training bag in their personal vehicle at all times??? What's in it???
Anyone out there besides me carry a training bag in their personal vehicle at all times??? What's in it???
I frequently have a gym bag with sweats, sneakers, a towel, and some odds and ends in my car with me. I also keep a couple spare t-shirts and BDUs in my work car, almost all the time. In my POV, I tend to have my martial arts bag, as well, which contains a full uniform. So... I'm often able to train on short notice!
I carry my gi , dojo shoes and a notebook always...Towel, water, training knives, Kali sticks., training gun, (one of the good ones from BlueGuns.).If its a police defensive tactics class then I add the BDU's, boots and a spare duty rig...
Sticks, mouthguard, MMA style gloves and my notebook.
All sparring gear plus my screamers or Kali sticks as you call them also I always have my knife with me.
gym bag, both kempo and BJJ gi's, sparring gear, jewels gaurd :)p), water, tape (incase i jamb a finger), extra clothes.

I'm been trying to convince the coppers I know to buy at least a training gun, and not one of those cheap POS's..But a good one they make some of the BEST training tools...They even have one that is black in color and looks like the real deal...Ya gotta be a cop to order that one...
Depending on the type of training, I really like Airsoft and the other similar replicas. They give you a shot, as well as a lot of the feel of a gun. You still need some sort of replica like the Bluegun for working grabs and the like. In fact, you might want two; one that's stays whole, and one that you can remove the trigger guard from so that some disarms and exercises are friendlier to training partners!
My trunk is usually full of various martial arts gear. My karate bag has my uniform several training knives a jump rope (btw a jump rope is a great warm up and if anyone ever says theyre too busy to work out tell em to jump rope for 5 minutes!), a training gun, MMA gloves and bag gloves. I also have 6 training sticks
Oh man, my trunk is full of crap too.. LOL Gear including: Training / workout clothes ie sweats, shorts, t-shirts, wrestling shoes, cross trainer tennis shoes... I have 3 baseball bat bags full of Sticks, knives (live and training), ball bats, whips, sarongs, nunchuku, duty belt, training (redman) firearms, sparring gear from hand pads, to headgear. I even have a bag w/ focus mitts and bag/boxing jump rope etc...My trunk is pretty much limited to nothing but my gear. I figure training can happen anywhere at anytime so I always have items on hand. On top of that, i have too much to take in and out of the car so I just carry it in my vehicle at all times. Much easier to have on hand and use at will than store in a closet or something at home and take up usefull space...
Asics running shoes, wrestling shoes, headgear, shin pads, pair of Kali sticks, hand wraps, muay thai style gloves, mouth piece, hand wraps, sharky traiining knife, and Cytoplex energy drink. Do I use them as much as I want to...probably not.
Sparring gear always (you never know), kali sticks always, bokken, bo staff. It is a complete car, no room for anything else (which begs the question "is there anything else?")
I have used the single pump .45 bb guns for years. Being careful to rotate the handgun in the "friendlier" direction to not dislocate the trigger finger, allows for action/reaction feedback as the gun can be fired. I have always had all students in the area wear protective glasses. The air softs have reduced much of the training risks and are very popular. Training as close to reality will always be a challenge for firearm defense.

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