Top 10 Kung Fu weapons in China

But the Changquan Jain form was my last and I never finished it, I just can't get my self to do a no handed cartwheel with a Jain in my hand :D

ah yes. A no-handed-cartwheel. That's a good sign what you are doing is contemporary.

Do you drop into the splits when you come out of the cartwheel?

Even tho my sifu does coach modern wushu, we were laughing about some of the obsurdities that it has. He was telling us about some of the new nonsense coming out of China, just because on the competition side of it, they make the rules and everyone else gets to follow along. They've got some rediculous postures, sort of low kneeling postures but bent over backwards with a claw strike straight up in the air. Very dramatic, but silly stuff. Of course I pointed out to him the usefulness of that posture, that I dubbed "Emasculating the Horse", making it a battlefield technique for footsoldiers against mounted cavalry.
ah yes. A no-handed-cartwheel. That's a good sign what you are doing is contemporary.

Do you drop into the splits when you come out of the cartwheel?

Nah, I stopped at the no handed cartwheel. The rest of the stuff I learned from him was not as outrageous except of course for the Changquan staff form, that one busted me up a bit but I did get VERY good at Crutch fu after that.

Even tho my sifu does coach modern wushu, we were laughing about some of the obsurdities that it has. He was telling us about some of the new nonsense coming out of China, just because on the competition side of it, they make the rules and everyone else gets to follow along. They've got some rediculous postures, sort of low kneeling postures but bent over backwards with a claw strike straight up in the air. Very dramatic, but silly stuff.

WHAT!!! YOU don't think the no handed cartwheel to a full split followed by a summersault to a horizontal spin is practical :uhyeah:

Agreed, my first sifu's wife was on one of the Wushu teams and she knew what was traditional and what was Contemporary Wushu but then she also learned something, she would never tell me, growing up pre-Wushu. The rumor in class was she was form a Martial Arts Family but she would never discuss it.

Of course I pointed out to him the usefulness of that posture, that I dubbed "Emasculating the Horse", making it a battlefield technique for footsoldiers against mounted cavalry.
