Three piece BO?

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, Years ago I bought two types of three piece "BO" staffs with screw together. One was black and red strips....not this soft. The other was brown and look like bamboo staffs, 3 pieces.

I would like to order a couple more,(great for traveling) and the pieces can be use for kali sticks too. These are more for demo's only.

I loss the sales slip and cannot remember the company name and address?

Anyone know about this "bo" staff,3 pieces,brown or light tan. The name of the company who sells this?

Can you please leave the name of the company and where we can contact them? ..Thank-you and Aloha
I don't recall seeing these, but it seems to me that the joints would be quite weak. I wouldn't trust it, myself.
Flying Crane said:
I don't recall seeing these, but it seems to me that the joints would be quite weak. I wouldn't trust it, myself.

They screw on like pool far had mines for two years now...NOT for bo fightinng? but for kata's it works. Fits in a suit case and great for traveling to seminars and such. ...Aloha
still learning said:
Thank-you..I will check them out...Aloha

Is there a web site? I try looking..found none.....Please let me know how to get to this weapons connections? ...Aloha
Hate to dredge up such an old thread, but does anybody have anything else about this? I looked on WC and they had a two piece but not a three piece sectional bo. I need one that will fit into standard luggage, so even two feet long might be pushing it.
hmm never seen one.. but I think as others have that it would not be a safe weapon, even for a good demonstrations. The joints would be very week compared to what a solid bo would be in terms of taking impacts or even the stress of fast swings!
Well, so far I've found this, which is wooden, and a rubber foam one here. That's all I could find at the moment...
Hey guys, thanks for the help. Funny how we can all search the internet and find different things.

The two piece ones won't work for me, but that last 3 piece one will. I have found this one made out of graphite:

The graphite one looks like it has deeper screws so it will probably hold together better, but I will have to compare price and durability before I commit, but thanks for the input. I have added all of the sites to my bookmark on supplies in case I need to use them in the future.
For anyone that is curious, I picked up the foam one from, and I chose poorly. It will fit in my bag and it will suffice for some training, but it is very flimsy and not what I had envisioned. I didn't expect something as solid as a single piece of wood, but this one flexes a lot.

Perhaps I will get the graphite one soon, but for now this will have to do while I am on the road.
I've heard that the graphite is a nice alternative, just so you know. I personally have never used anything but wood/ rattan...

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